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大家都是这样,有什么可怕的呢。Everybody is such, have what dreariness.

猫叫综合症状可怕么?。Does the cat call syndrome shape dreariness ?

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癌有多可怕?会不会隔代遗传呢?Does cancer have much dreariness? Can atavistic?

如果都可以公开了,还有什么可怕的。If can be made public, still have what dreariness.

扶起一片绿洲彭杰贫穷是可怕的。Uprear outstanding poverty of an oasis Peng is dreariness.

宾斯的课是学生们所有课程种种最乏味的。Binns' classes are remarkable only for their utter dreariness.

落日的余辉也慢慢抽回了它最后的温暖,当时的情况是如此的凄凉和悲哀。The sundown drew in the last warm slowly, it's dreariness and sad.

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他知道,在万物凋零的冬天我总是情绪低落。He knew how the darkness and dreariness of winter always got me down.

他确信冬天的阴暗和沉寂总是使人感到沮丧。He knew that the darkness and dreariness of winter always got men down.

厌弃是另外一种追慕的开始,也是追慕的根源。This dreariness is the beginning and also the source of another pursuit.

寂寞可怕吗?面对孤单寂寞应该有什么样的心理?Doleful dreariness ? Face alone loneliness what to kind of mentality should have?

最近发生的手,足,口,病可怕吗?可以治疗吗?。The hand that happens recently, sufficient, mouth, ill dreariness ? Can be you treated?

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小儿子卢克看起来依旧呆头呆脑,还会不知好歹的去骚扰可怕的邻居。Young son Luke looks as before idiotic, still meet the goes annoying dreariness neighbour of not know what's good.

晚年时期,被贬,获赦,处境悲苦凄凉,易于感伤,渴望回归故乡。In his old age, He thirsted for returning hometown because of demotion, absolve, sorrowful, dreariness and sentiment.

陶渊明身后的失望、苍凉除了自己怀抱理想而无良辰佳时外,还应有诸子不立的憾恨。The disappointment and dreariness of TAO Yuan-ming was not only his Failing Ideality, but also his regret of son's no achievement.

每天晚上,不顾黑暗的岩石沙漠的了沉寂,阿斯玛总是给他的父亲和他的神圣的密友送去吃的和喝的。Each night, oblivious of the dreariness of the rocky dark desert, Asma would take food and drink to her father and his blessed companion.

垄断的可怕在于它的腐蚀作用,它能滋生腐败,迫使人们弃善从恶,搞乱社会。The dreariness of forestall is corroding action at it, it can cause corruption, force people to abandon be apt to from evil, jumble society.

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空间光学遥感器在轨运行过程中要承受太阳辐射和空间冷热沉、黑热沉等恶劣温度环境的影响。The space optical remote sensor is influenced by the solar radiation, albedo, earth emitted infrared and other heat sources as flying in the heat dreariness astrospace.

当肯尼迪1960年当选总统后,她吃惊地发现政府白宫就像是个平凡的斯塔特勒宾馆,让她感到凄凉沉寂。When she toured the mansion after JFK's election in 1960, she was astonished to find that the state rooms looked like the lobby of a prosaic Statler Hotel, which to her meant dreariness.

但是,传统工笔画的没落和沉寂却并不能预示该形式的自我消亡,反而预示着其必须经过变革而重获新生。But the decline and dreariness of traditional elaborate style painting does not indicate self-vanishing of such style, on the contrary, shows that it must depend on change to get rebirth.