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寇德无阵营风暴,强壮,战斗。Kord Unaligned Storms, strength, battle.

鸦后无阵营死亡,命运,冬季。Raven Queen Unaligned Death, fate, winter.

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瑟哈涅无阵营欺骗,月亮,爱,秋季。Sehanine Unaligned Trickery, moon, love, autumn.

使用未对齐的数据具有两层隐含意义。Working with unaligned data has two implications.

支援写入未配置的记忆体位置。Writing to unaligned memory locations is supported.

科瑞隆无阵营奥法,春季,美貌,艺术。Corellon Unaligned Arcane magic, spring, beauty, the arts.

执行叶函数时,允许不对齐堆栈。It is allowed to leave the stack unaligned while it executes.

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在互锁操作中,不能使用未对齐的位置。Unaligned locations cannot be used in interlocked operations.

与访问对齐的位置相比,可能需要更长的时间来访问未对齐的位置。It may take longer to access unaligned locations than it takes to access aligned locations.

本文主要研究基于未对齐的汉英双语库翻译对抽取。This paper focuses on extracting translation pairs from unaligned Chinese English bilingual corpora.

辛格政府预计会得到一个过去未加入联合政府但现在表示支持核协议的政党的支持,从而度过难关。Mr. Singh's government is expected to survive with the support of a previously- unaligned party that now supports the nuclear accord.

用平均未对齐时间除以平均对齐时间所得的值来确定所应用的不合理对齐对性能的影响程度。The average unaligned time was divided by the average aligned time to determine how much of a performance hit improper alignment imposed.

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如果结构成员由于封装而未能对齐,当将该成员的地址分配给一个对齐指针时,编译器将发出警告。If a structure member could ever be unaligned because of packing, the compiler will warn when that member's address is assigned to an aligned pointer.

但解决这种问题总好过为一个利用国际资助和同情敛财,中饱私囊,对本国人民是死是活不管不顾的政府“输血”。But tackling these issues is better than continuing to fund ineffectual governments whose interests are unaligned with those of international donors and their people.

在低速阶段目前已受到限制,以保护电子设备,因为现有的高电压秒。这通常是所取得的滞环电流斩波所示。At higher speeds the current is naturally constrained, and single-pulse voltage control is normally employed with angle advance prior to the unaligned position to optimise performance.

因此,如果希望只存储一个字节,且试图在未对齐的地址直接存储,那么它就会进入到不正确的位置并会截断四字内剩余的字节。Therefore, if you want to store only one byte, if you tried to do it directly on an unaligned address, it would both go into the wrong location and clobber the remaining bytes in the quadword.