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萤火虫一样飞在朦胧的树阴?As a firefly in the hazy shade of a tree?

一只萤火虫,贴在木头门框上,闪闪发亮。A firefly was shimmering on the wood doorpost.

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萤光灯较白炽灯省电且发热少。The light of the firefly does not produce heat.

我凭依栏杆,细看那萤火虫。I lean against the railing, staring at the firefly.

萤火虫会触犯繁星闪闪吗?Or shall the firefly offend the shininess of stars?

然后我关掉快门,把萤火虫放走了。Then I released the shutter and set the firefly free.

我要成为一只萤火虫,即使是在艳阳高照的白天,我也要发出光芒。I want to be a firefly , even in bright sunny day, my glow.

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或者去幻萤谷,怪多,人少,不过挺远的。Or to firefly magic valley, strange, and less, but very far.

说话的是一个鲱鱼头,一段乔木片和一只萤火虫。They were a head of a herring, a tree fragment and a firefly.

我要做萤火虫,我的光要点亮世界。I will be as the firefly and my light will brighten the world.

残萤栖玉露,早雁拂金河。Gyokuro residual firefly habitat, early goose whisk Gold River.

灯塔可成为一个闪烁的发光体——就像夜空中的一只巨大的萤火虫。The light may be one that blinks—like a giant firefly in the night.

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蜻蜓飞得高。萤火虫在夜里发光。蚱蜢跳得高。A dragonfly flies high. A firefly glows at night. A grasshopper jumps high.

本该草长萤飞,桃红柳绿,莺歌燕舞的热闹。The firefly fly the long grass, pink Liulv, the lively scene of prosperity.

一种萤火虫种群的雌性已学会模仿其他同类的动作。The female of one species of firefly has learned to imitate the movesof another.

整个夏天,我的目的就是捉到一只荧火虫。All summer, my goal HAS BEEN to catch a firefly. ---How do you translate HAS BEEN?

夜驾会冒犯静夜,萤火虫会冒犯星空么?Shall the nightingale offend the stillness of the night, or the firefly the stars?

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孙卫说,这名老汉,成为“萤火虫助残社”帮扶的第一个对象。"Sun said, the old man, " Firefly disabled society, "the first targets of assistance.

每一个萤火虫种群都拥有一个独特的“扑翅密码”,吸引同一种群的异性。Each species of firefly has a special flicker code to attract mates ofthe same species.

天花上镜面漂浮着一盏盏的吊灯,像萤火般柔和整个空间。The chandeliers floating in the ceiling mirror softens the entire space like a firefly.