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保存信息。Save the information.

关键信息的擅离职守。Key information is AWOL.

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已删除撤消信息。Undo information erased.

消息泄漏出来。Information trickled out.

先来谈下信息这方面。Concerning the information.

我可以提供信息给你。I can give you information.

我对这个消息半信半疑。I dubitate the information.

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这里“所有的信息“指什么?What's all the information?

他在搜集情报。He is gathering information.

行程中大众运输信息?。En-Route Transit Information?

将信息发送到用户。Fax the information to users.

我是信息活动分子。I am an information activist.

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也办理宣讲会,And I do information sessions,

在那里填充您的信息。Fill in the information there.

这就是信息技术。That's information technology.

外在是指信息。External refers to information.

学“即信息。Knowledge is about information.

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分类整理你的信息流。Label Your Information Streams.

我们现在处在一个信息时代。We're in an era of information.

最新的冰况信息是什么?What is latest ice information?