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他妻子是一个倾国倾城的美人。His wife is an unmatched beauty.

在当今这个时代,他的成就无以伦比。His achievements are unmatched in our time.

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杜布森还拥有无可比拟的权力基础。Mr Dobson also has an unmatched power-base.

他的棋艺在全校是独一无二的。His skill in chess is unmatched in the school.

塞林格这种精准的描述是任何人也无法企及的。This is the sort of bull's-eye at which Salinger is unmatched.

无论是在美国国内还是在国际上,他都具有无与伦比的感召力。He has a capacity to inspire that is unmatched abroad or at home.

还是用着旧店的纸巾、店名的英文名称很不配!Still using old printed tissue, English title is also unmatched !

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在现代史上,我们的复兴能力是无与伦比的。Our capacity to come back stronger is unmatched in modern history.

这些数字是其他任何基于Linux的操作系统无法比拟的。These figures are unmatched by any other Linux-based operating system.

但这些方子论疗效却是其它的方剂所无法比拟的。But the effect of these Fang On the other is unmatched by prescription.

配备周全的一切让这栋地产上升到奢华的新高度。From top to bottom, this unmatched estate unlocks a new life of luxury.

蒙文通先生是中国二十世纪卓尔不群的国学大师。Mr. Meng Wentong is an unmatched master of Sinology in 20th Century China.

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平台中的其他任何语言都无法做到这一级别的优化。This level of optimization is unmatched in any other language on the platform.

伍德说,“卡拉拉的旱地虎和阿育吠陀医学是独一无二的。Kerala's upland tiger reserves and history in Ayurvedic medicine are unmatched.

更有侯马晋国铸铜陶范,艺术、科技价值无与伦比。Tao Fan Hou Ma Jinguo more bronze, art, science and technology unmatched value.

在自律可以解决的问题范围里,它是无敌的方法。Within the domain of problems it can solve, self-discipline is simply unmatched.

林布兰在油画上对于光与影的运用是无与伦比的。The Rembrandt's technique in applying light and shadow in painting was unmatched.

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从理论上阐明了机鼓失配的根本原因及计算方法。It also explains the root cause of the unmatched problem of the computer and drum.

恺撒大帝被称为罗马历史上空前绝后的军事领袖。Julius Caesar has been called the most unmatched military general in Roman history.

但是,在历史上,他没得到相应的地位和评价。However, Liu Jintang's position and valuation was unmatched in modern Chinese history.