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万向首脑大会,或附着在手臂的HGA。Heads Gimbal Assembly or HGA attached to the Arm.

我推了那个万向节三次,拆卸了两次。Ive pulled that gimbal thRee times and stRipped it twice.

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万向节锁是一种容易影响到欧拉角表现的现象。Gimbal lock is a phenomenon that easily affects Euler angle representations.

任何功能几乎可以用任何开关、滑块、万向台摇杆或按钮进行控制。Any function can be controlled by almost any switch, slider, gimbal stick or button.

天顶跟踪盲区是地平式光电跟踪系统的固有缺陷。Photoelectric tracking system with horizontal gimbal can not track objects near zenith.

当机器人接近弯道,平衡环也会左右旋转,让眼睛持续盯著路面而不会偏离。As the robot approaches a turn, the gimbal swivels left or right, keeping its eye trained on the road.

一旦得到了热烈的万向节是本茨对盘片表面上的行动本身,这降低了飞行高度。Once gimbal got heated it bents itself toward platter's surface and this action reduces flying height.

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该天线采用了双万向接头结构,以便航太器在月球轨道跟踪地球站基站。The antenna employs a dual gimbal mechanism to track the earth station when the spacecraft is in lunar orbit.

框架悬挂装置是一个低摩擦力的机构,其框架悬挂在支承箱内。The gimbal suspension is the low-friction mechanism by which the gimbal is carried within its supporting case.

四元数就不会遭受万向节锁的痛苦,因为它不用三个分离的轴表示旋转。Quaternions do not suffer from gimbal lock, because they do not express rotations relative to three separate axes.

身体的速度陀螺仪的输出用来消除或从万向分离循环轨道信号的机身机构的议案。The outputs of the body rate gyros are utilized to remove or decouple the airframe body motion from the gimbal track loop signal.

热成像仪、日光照相机和激光组成一个提供360度视觉的4轴万向节稳定装置。Together, the thermal imager, daylight camera, and lasers are in a 4-axis gimbal stabilized pod that provides 360-degree coverage.

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平台框架是稳定平台的关键零件,其加工工艺也是惯性器件制造技术的关键工艺。Platform gimbal is the key part of stable platform and its machining technology is the key technology of inertial manufacture technology.

研究了一种安装于机电式陀螺仪框架轴上、用于减小摩擦力矩的电磁式振动器。An electromagnetic vibration starter for decreasing frictional torque, which is mounted on the gimbal axis of gyroscope, was investigated.

介绍了一种永磁球形步进电动机的结构、工作原理及滑轨支架形式的位置检测系统。The structure and operation principle of a PM spherical stepper motor and its gimbal guideway orientation detection system were discussed.

针对嫦娥一号卫星双轴天线指向地球的控制要求,给出了双轴天线框架角的计算方法。A gimbal angle calculation method of the dual-axis antenna on the CE-1 satellite is presented for requirements for the earth-point antenna.

信号的敏感是由能探测陀螺框架和支撑结构间的相对角位移的传感器来提供的。Information sensing is provided by transducers which detect relative angular displacements between the gyro gimbal and the supporting case.

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由D引入的跟踪误差可以忽略或修正,但具有更大的地平面跟踪盲区。Tracking errors because of D could be ignored or corrected, but has bigger blind region on the horizon than regular X-Y double-axis gimbal.

偏X-Y双轴式光电跟踪系统可以解决过顶跟踪问题,其跟踪范围与规则X-Y双轴式光电跟踪系统相比有很大提高。X-Y double-axis gimbal by X axis transferring D could track objects near zenith, has wider tracking region than regular X-Y double-axis gimbal.

以内框单通道系统为例,进行了必要的仿真分析,验证了设计方法及设计结果是正确有效的。Simulation results of single channel system in inner gimbal are obtained and prove that the proposed control approaches are correct and effective.