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初次见面脸红的感觉消褪了么?Love’s first blush fading?

他的脸红得像一朵牡丹花。A blush came into his cheeks.

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一个鲜明的选择,在第一绯红。A stark choice, at first blush.

“晚上好!”我努力不要来个大红脸。"Evening! " I tried not to blush.

那是我头一回看见你脸红。It was the first time I saw you blush.

我的皮肤很容易用腮红过敏。My skin gets really irritated by blush.

他会激动得连耳根子都红了。And he would blush to his ears with emotion.

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映着阳光强力反射的红晕轻柔。In the soft blush of light's reflected power.

乍看起来,朱迪的主意好像极妙。Judy's ideas looked excellent at first blush.

为何羞愧,非为神圣诗艺。Then blush not for an art which they inspire.

表皮下的血管为皮肤添加了一抹红色。Near-surface blood vessels add a blush of red.

近表皮的血管给奶白色添了一抹红晕。Near-surface blood vessels add a blush of red.

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缺乏鲜血去灌注淡红的脉络?Beggared of blood to blush through lively veins.

面对艾莉的质问,世贤依然撒谎不脸红。Facing ailey query, the hen still lie not blush.

我觉得自己的脸红了,接着我吸吸鼻子,不让眼泪掉下来。I felt myself blush. Then I sniffed back a tear.

新创高温烘焙手艺烤粉腮红。Innovative high-temperature baking powder blush.

她停下来,不禁脸红,笑她自己的。She stoped to blush and laugh at her own relapse.

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你的行为使我为你可怜的妻子害臊。Your behaviour makes me blush for your poor wife.

她的容妆由绿色眼影和粉色腮红组成。She is wears light green eye shadow and pink blush.

想要面色持久红润,可以用两种不同深浅的腮红。For a pretty flush that lasts, use two shades of blush.