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惠特曼这次可是要真刀真枪地再大干一场。This is Whitman's for-real next big gig.

G就是10的9次方。This thing does 2 gig worth of operations.

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他们第二场演奏赢得了好评。Their second gig earned them a rave review.

爵士演唱会被报刊和电视大造舆论。The gig was given a big buildup on both press and TV.

你能从新的事业中挣多少钱且需要多长时间?How much can you make from your new gig and how quickly?

经济衰退使得萌芽中的信息经济开始成为主流。The recession has mainstreamed the burgeoning gig economy.

戴夫?格罗尔上月在“毒蛇屋”举办了一场惊喜演唱会。Dave Grohl played a surprise gig at the Viper Room last month.

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我于1978年在圣安德鲁大学的“简单心智”演唱会上遇见他。I met him at a Simple Minds gig at St Andrews University in 1978.

昨晚演唱会上的领衔乐队没我期望的那么好。The headliners at the gig last night weren't as good as I expected.

第一个转折点是为某个万圣节演出缝制棺材的内衬。Her first gig was sewing fabric coffin linings for a Halloween show.

有时候你还需要逆来顺受,直到你找到另外一份工作为止。Sometimes you just need to grin and bear it until you have another gig.

卡西通过一位朋友得到了这份梦寐以求的工作,这位朋友之前在做这份工作。Kasi got the coveted gig by way of a friend, who held the position before her.

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伊娃待会还有另外一场演出,所以她要先离开了。Now Eva has another gig out in Gilford this morning so she's going to run off.

我想象着在这个地方演出并听着自己的名字在温伯利体育馆上空回荡,呵呵。I imagine playing a gig here and hearing my name echoing around the stadium lol.

黄西说,他2008年末在北京的第一场演出不成功。Mr. Wong's first live gig in Beijing, in late 2008, was 'not successful,' he says.

黄西自己也承认2008年时,他在北京的第一场演出并不成功。Mr. Wong's first live gig in Beijing, in late 2008, was "not successful," he says.

舞台演出的发言者对他们没有吉他或麦克风插孔,需要搅拌机。The stage gig speakers have no guitar or mike jacks on them which requires the mixer.

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三年前当她开始录音的时候,工作人员让她朗读宠物方面的出版物。When she started the gig three years ago, they put her to work reading pet publications.

当你只是想装些东西到你的后备箱,就能完成演出的时候。Times when you just want to pack some gear into the trunk of the car and get the gig done.

若你用那几天的假期找一份更稳定的全职工作没准会更好。You might be better off using those furlough days to look for a more stable full-time gig.