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他是一位博物学家。My father was a naturalist.

——自然主义者大卫·艾登堡David Attenborough, naturalist

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有时我也被称作自然主义者。I am sometimes described as a naturalist.

他从事印刷业,同时是个博物学爱好者。He was a printer by trade and naturalist by avocation.

这篇文章激发了谢勒要成为一名自然科学家的愿望。This article had inspired Shaler to become a naturalist.

克里斯·派克汉姆是自然主义者,生态节目Autumnwatch主持人。Chris Packham is a naturalist and presenter of Autumnwatch

达尔文的一个朋友阿尔弗雷德华莱士也是一位博物学家。One of Darwin's friends, Alfried Wallace, was also a naturalist.

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健康胜过财富。--------美国博物学家雷伊。J。Health is better than wealth. -------John Ray, American naturalist.

一个德国的自然学家称啮齿动物为人们的“可怜的农奴”。One German naturalist dubbed the rodents the people's "poor serfs."

达尔文将作为博物学家,随船前往,费用得自付。Darwin would go with the ship as a naturalist and had to pay his own way.

——为什么离旅行出发时间这么近了才开始考虑找一名博物学家参加?Why was a naturalist still being considered so close to the start of the voyage?

作为一名自告奋勇的博物学家,我迫不及待地想告诉他蓝鸟需要帮助。A volunteer naturalist , I was eager to tell him about the help bluebirds needed.

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我发现了另一个网上的叫作年轻自然主义者奖的科学竞赛活动。I found another science fair competition online called the young naturalist awards.

她是西雅图公园和娱乐部门的博物学家,她估计这群鸟有20到24只。Department naturalist at Seward Park, who estimated the Flock to be 20 to 24 strong.

思考往往是肤浅的,这决定了它的短暂性。The naturalist literary sect always thinks shallowly, which determines its short duration.

罗蒂怎么能够拒斥其一而保留其二呢?What would follow if we take a naturalist approach as proposed by Rorty in these societies?

生物学家和博物学家威尔逊称其为“热爱生命的天性”。Biologist and naturalist EO Wilson calls it biophilia, our innate love for the rest of life.

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举例来说,一个自然主义者可能就决定从一个病弱的生态系统中移除一棵非本土的植物。For example, a naturalist may decide to remove a non-native plant from a delicate eco-system.

斯特林还要求自然剧作家争取一个新的概念,性质。Strindberg also demands that the naturalist playwright strive toward a new conception of character.

在确定新的自然主义戏剧,斯特林使两个主要要求当代剧作家。In defining the new naturalist theater, Strindberg makes two major demands of contemporary playwrights.