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没有索具或动画是必需的。No Rigging or Animation are required.

是的,小型三桅船的索具有很大的区别。Yes, it's big difference in rigging a xebec.

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另外一条绳索穿过三眼木盘中心的小孔。Deadeyes formed a part of the rigging system.

船在暴风雨中损失了大部分设备。The ship lost most of her rigging in the strom.

为了完成这新的弹簧索具设计。Order to complete the new spring rigging design.

这条船的帆缆受到严重毁损。The ship is considerably damaged in her rigging.

风在船索上吹出粗野的歌。The wind shrieked a wild song through the rigging.

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然而,如果不操纵选票的话,那些人是不可能被推选出来的。However, without vote rigging these people can not be elected.

我毫不怀疑,他们在楼上忙着在选票上造假。I have no doubt that they were busy rigging the votes upstairs.

猛烈的飓风使这条船的帆缆严重破损。A severe hurricane has done much damage to her rigging of the ship.

由于大部分原来的弹簧索具将被更换。Since much of the original spring rigging will need to be replaced.

我知道用安全绳你们都知道体操的时侯用的绳索吗?I do. The safety rigging. You know that thing they use for gymnastics?

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孩子们正用他们的Xbox视频游戏控制板玩着类似的花招。Kids are rigging their Xbox video game consoles to do a similar trick.

组装,架设和拆除棚架,索具和起重设备。Assemble, erect and dismantle scaffolds, rigging and hoisting equipment.

是否因荷载重心偏心索具系挂困难?。Does the eccentricity of the centre of the load present rigging difficulties?

那游艇有沉没的危险,后来他们砍去那断桅和强索,船才安然无恙了。The yacht was in danger of sinking until they tore into the mast and rigging.

这一运动索具是用来控制形状和船舶航行的立场绳。The movement rigging is uses for to control the shape and ship's sail's position rope.

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只有一些来自苏丹人民解放运动的恐吓但没有有关暗箱操纵和抵制的言论。There has been some SPLM intimidation but been few allegations of rigging and no boycotts.

作为结果的功能,状态索具是目前最普遍的钢缆。As a result of its function, the status rigging is at present the most universal steel cable.

如果一切都能按计划有条不紊地进行,焕然一新的摩根号捕鲸船将于2012年年底装备一新。If all goes as planned, the refurbished Morgan will be outfitted with new rigging in late 2012.