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说话尖刻会伤感情。Caustic remarks will hurt others' feelings.

波浪的大小将影响焦散的形态。The wave size will influence the caustic shapes.

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提出了碱水驱油的机理。And a mechanism of caustic flooding is suggested.

耐化学性,酸性或腐蚀性清洁剂。Chemical resistance to acidic or caustic cleaners.

肥皂水含碱性,碱对狂犬病毒有破坏作用。The caustic soap water can destroy the rabies virus.

蒙乃尔对于强碱也具有很好的耐腐蚀性。Monel is also very resistant to strong caustic solutions.

增加生活苛性媒体通过表面处理。Increased life in caustic media through surface treatment.

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碱性水孕育了一种叫做螺旋藻的蓝绿藻。The caustic waters breed a blue-green algae called Spirulina.

该甲虫体内含有一种腐蚀性的酸性液体,名为斑蝥素。The beetle contains a caustic acid-like juice called cantharidin.

今天我在化学课上用腐蚀性的晶体做实验。Today, I was doing a lab in chemistry involving caustic crystals.

在硫酸盐桨造纸过程中,木质素被苛性钠溶解。In the kraft paper process, lignin is solubilized by caustic soda.

我们使用这个灯仅仅是为了创建焦散效果。We will use that MR. Area Omni ONLY to create the caustic effects.

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这是物体产生焦散的必须步骤。This is necessary in order to have a caustic effect on the objects.

还对动态焦散线的枝术关键和最新进展作了介绍。The key techniques and its new advance of dynamic caustic are given.

躲功更厉害的某人就这样平安无事地道了光武门。Hide an completion more caustic someone so peace tunnel light Wu Men.

当然,如何您尝试使用的混合物苛性钠和水。And of course, how about you try use a mixture of Caustic Soda and water.

我很快将把我的计画付诸实行,然后永远摆脱他腐蚀的存在!Soon I will put my plan into action, and be rid of his caustic presence forever!

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由于采食有腐蚀性或有刺激性化学物质而引起原发性胃炎。Primary gastritis may be caused bytheingestionof caustic or irritating chemicals.

印完的尼龙网可用苛性钠将上面的胶膜洗净再用。India End of nylon net can be used caustic soda will be above the film wash reuse.

当时,马克正在为名流云集的庆典提供食物,忽然他听到了尖利刺人的声音。Mark was catering for the celebrity-filled ceremony when he heard a caustic voice.