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他是真的欲哭无泪。He was literally crying.

我实际上是窜进车�的。I literally jumped in his car.

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简直就是全球传染病。It's literally global epidemic.

我实际上是窜进车里的。I literally jumped into his car.

那么一小步一小步地走。Take quite literally baby steps.

他要求我们逐字翻译。He asked us to translate literally.

他逐字逐句地翻译这段文字。He translated the passage literally.

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我在睡觉的时候就能感受真实的快感。I can do that in my sleep! Literally.

请逐字逐句地翻译这篇文章。Please translate this paper literally.

露天赛场简直在振动了!The fairgrounds are literally shaking!

作为一个孩子,我字面上地理解着每一样东西。As a child I took everything literally.

每晚城门都会"砰"地被关上The doors literally slam shut at night.

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蚜虫的确能把一株植物吸干。Greenfly can literally suck a plant dry.

路上他开车滑下了I-94号公路。He literally slid all the way down I-94.

字面上讲,这是创造新世纪的时代。These are epoch-making times. Literally.

所以他说,你必须从字面上阅读。So he says,you have to read it literally.

未来汽车将是电动车的天下。The future of cars is literally electric.

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但是这位教授并没有直接指出它。But the professor didn’t mean it literally.

但是,事实上是他还是无事可做。But there was -- literally -- nothing to do.

差不多有几十次采访。Interview after interview, literally dozens.