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就让我们从通量开始吧。Well, let's start with flux.

一切都在不断变化。It was all in a state of flux.

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避免在未涂敷的地方涂敷焊剂。Avoid flux on areas not cleaned.

主要用作碳硫分析助熔剂。Mainy used as flux for C-S analysis.

现在我们就知道了通量的含义。OK, so now, we know what flux means.

下一个知识点是,平面和空间中的通量。Next topic is flux in plane and space.

求通量的格林公式是怎样的呢?What does Green's theorem for flux say?

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我们需要计算通量的积分。We have to compute the integral for flux.

求通量的线积分就变成这样了。A line integral for flux just becomes this.

无家可归的人的数目似乎在不断变化。The number of homeless appears to be in flux.

我们都知道地球的状态是变动不居的。The Earth as we know it is in a state of flux.

网格以“涌流”或网格流动变化轻轻震颤着。The grid shimmers with " current" or grid flux.

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有一个版本的格林公式是用来求通量的。There is a version of Green's theorem for flux.

很快也会看到关于通量的定理。And we will see theorems about flux pretty soon.

用于所有低含银量钎焊合金的膏状助溶剂。Paste flux for braze welding with Brazing Alloy 18.

世界变迁不已,并非是常久不变的。The world is in continuous flux and is impermanent.

所有这些变迁和动荡带来了巨大的焦虑。All of this flux and churning creates enormous anxiety.

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那就无法把通量想成线积分了。Well, we cannot really think of flux as a line integral.

如锡珠,助焊剂痕迹,夹抓纹之清理。For example of solder ball, flux residues, clamping marks.

此外,还谈到了免洗助焊剂使用注意事项。Lastly discuss Points for attention of using no-clean flux.