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哄骗是办不到的。To cajole is useless.

敌人想尽一切办法诱迫他说出情报。The enemy tried every means to cajole him into telling the information.

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前苏联提供了丰厚的津贴,以诱使工人和年轻夫妇在这里开创新生活。The Soviet Union offered generous subsidies to cajole workers and young couples to start a new life here.

由于男子的医疗称职,我们被告知,他们需要健康的运动,以劝说和教育他们。Since men are such medical incompetents, we're told, they need health campaigns to cajole and educate them.

当她终于和伦纳德从实验室出来后,玛德琳接着就得设法哄他到她那里去睡觉。After she finally got Leonard to leave the lab, Madeleine then had to cajole him into sleeping at her place.

如果人们不再这样以为了,那是因为一些新的语言被发明了出来用于哄骗机器人,使之屈服于人类。If they no longer do, that is because of the new vernaculars invented to cajole automatons into doing man’s bidding.

那段时间,雷德福夫人对丈夫又是哄又是求,又唠叨,但就是不能从丈夫那里拿到那十先令的罢工津贴。During that time, Mrs. Radford could neither cajole nor entreat nor nag the ten shillings strike-pay from her husband.

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财长盖特纳不会被迫为购买那些估值过高的证券化垃圾而制造新的甜言蜜语来欺骗大众。Mr. Geithner wouldn't be stressed to invent new ways to cajole folks to contribute to the buyout of overvalued securitized junk.

戈登·布朗说,政府得“说服和哄骗”银行以合适的价格放贷并恢复按揭贷款。Gordon Brown said the government had to "persuade and cajole" banks into lending at appropriate prices and resume mortgage lending.

政客们必须花言巧语、耍手腕和变换政纲以迎合听众、取媚世俗,而有远大理想的领导人从不乏跟随他们的人。Politicians must cajole and manipulate and change their platform to fit the occasion or audience, but leaders with vision never lack a following.

当巴莱克·奥巴马总统还在奋力的哄骗一个无动于衷的基座的时候,民主人士打出的红色威胁牌已经超出共和人士很多。And with President Barack Obama struggling to cajole an apathetic base, Democrats have been playing the red-menace card more than their Republican opponents.

而这政策限制了华盛顿说服或强制要求其他国家遵守国际法的能力。The policy has hampered Washington’s ability to cajole or pressure other states into respecting international law, said the 532-page volume’s introductory essay.

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阿特金斯认为我们自身的细胞也可以利用这些相同的信号系统,监听和诱骗我们体内的微生物,就像他们偷听和操纵我们一样。Atkinson thinks our own cells exploit this same signalling system to monitor and cajole our personal population of microbes, just as they eavesdrop on and manipulate us.

富有悲剧意味的是,前一段时间我从自行车上摔下来,大脑里用来哄骗中国外交官给我颁发签证的那一部分细胞一定被摔坏了。Tragically, when I got knocked off my bicycle a while ago, I must have damaged the exact part of the brain that is used to cajole Chinese diplomatic staff into issuing visas.

从经济议题,环境变化,货币问题到伊朗问题,最后到上个星期的局势不断上升的北韩问题,美国一直在推动,促进,或规劝中国,可是收效甚微,有时甚至是无功而返。From economics to climate change to currency to Iran and finally culminating with North Korea last week, America has sought to push, prod and cajole China, to little or no avail.

就职结束后奥巴马招待了共和党人一次鸡尾酒宴会,此后,就再没见他为解决党派之争做出更多的努力——或者经常是,奥巴马直接无视了共和党人——他重新拾起了旧的政治把戏,党派间相互攻击、扯谎、哄骗。Obama's political operation has dispensed with its post-inauguration cocktails for Republicans — or more often, ignoring them outright — in favor of the old politics of engage, attack and cajole.