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我对您深表同情!I sympathize with you.

我同情治疗团队。I sympathize with the staff.

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每个人都会同情你的。Everyone would sympathize with you.

听我说,亲爱的,我们深表同情。Please, dear, we sympathize deeply.

我对你的痛苦表示真诚的同情。I really sympathize with your sufferings.

她想要同情福里斯特夫妇。She wanted to sympathize with the Foresters.

我们对你丧亲之痛表示同情。We all sympathize with you in your bereavement.

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我同情他。他的父母已离婚了。I sympathize with him. His parents have divorced.

在这个世界,我同情弱者,但不喜欢弱者。I sympathize with the weaks but I do not like them.

作为一个日本人,我在某种程度上与杜特尔特心有戚戚焉。As a Japanese, I sympathize with Mr. Duterte to some extent.

我们会同情穷人,所以我们会很自然倾向于去帮助别人。We sympathize with the poor, so we are naturally inclined to help.

不要过分自责、自悲、自怜。Do not criticize, look upon at and sympathize yourself excessively.

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尽管我们不会和不幸者一样感到痛苦,但是我们会同情他的恐惧。We sympathize with the fear, though not with the agony of the sufferer.

我想世界上很多人会和澳大利亚人在这方面有共鸣。I think many of us around the world can sympathize with the Australians.

我要你知道,我对你的悲痛致上深切的吊慰。I want you to know how deeply I sympathize with you in your bereavement.

我们应该同情日本,但是我们也应该向他们学习。We should sympathize with Japanese, yes, but we can also learn from them.

可是我一点也不知道这些病预示着什么,也毫不同情她的冲动。What these symptoms portended , and had no impulse to sympathize with her.

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可是,尽管这样,我还是不打算同情他——那个畜生!But, for all that, I was not going to sympathize with him--the brute beast!

如果一个人没有苦难的感受,就不容易对他人给予同情。If a person is not suffering feelings, others is not easy to sympathize with.

让别人对他们受到的伤害施以怜悯,这种侵略性的努力是徒劳的。The aggression is a futile effort to get others to sympathize with their hurt.