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时间是没有声音的锉刀。Time is the sound of the rasp.

他想把表面锉平。He wanted to rasp the surface smooth.

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我们要把粗糙的边锉掉。We are going to rasp off the rough edges.

马丁点点头,却也感到一阵温怒。Martin nodded, but felt a rasp of irritation.

用熟悉的刺耳的声音唱着最喜欢的圣歌against the strop, the familiar rasp of his voice

然后我使用旋转锉,你知道,让它有V型。Then I used the rotary rasp to, you know, V it out.

大雪还消减了金属摩擦发出的刺耳声和机器运转时的嘈杂声。Snow muffles the shriek of metal and the rasp of motion.

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当他听到伦尼尖叫的声音时仍然在笑。He was still laughing when he heard the rasp of Rennie's voice.

华丽的覆盆莓、甘草和红醋栗的香气中带有些许的熏烤橡木桶芳香。Gorgeous rasp berry. licorice and currant with hints of toasted oak.

挫刀戒指用不锈钢制成,部分覆以蓝宝石涂层。The Rasp Ring made of stainless steel with a partial sapphire rasp coating.

我听到车轮防滑链的拍打声,雨刷费劲地急速摆动发出的刺耳声音,引擎低沉的声音。I heard the slap of the chains, the stiff, jerky rasp of the wipers , the purr of the engine.

确认我的尖鹿角是正确的,我将通过把转动锉刀放在顶端后来检查它的边缘。To make sure I got the taper angle right, I would check by putting the rotary rasp behind the tip so I could just see the edges of it.

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另外,请勿自行缝制、拆线、烧或烤焦、漂白拉带,请勿自行锉磨带扣,修改或改造头盔。In addition, do not sew on their own, drop pull down, burned or burnt, bleach, do not own super RASP buckles, modified or adapted helmet.

脱粒滚筒与纹杆间螺栓联接的扭紧力矩值应按保证工作时滚筒与纹杆间不发生滑移来确定。It is pointed out the value of tightening torque should guarantee that there is no slippage between cylinder and rasp bar when they work.

要达到这样的程度,事前要做足准备、了解造雨对话的沟通架构、着力于成功造雨的RASP关键,并善加应用造雨人10大原则。Getting to this stage requires that you prepare well, understand the RAIN roadmap, focus on the RASP keys of rainmaking success and apply the 10 Rainmaker Principles.

在比赛进入伤停补时的最后阶段时,卡福利用对方球员皮萨诺脚下打滑的机会突破传出了一记美妙的弧线球,塞尔吉尼奥在后门柱候个正着一蹴而就,为主队拿下了这场艰苦的胜利。As the game headed deep into injury time, Cafu took advantage of Francesco Pisano's slip at the byline and floated a wonderful cross to the back post for Serginho to rasp home the winner.