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老鼠开始咀嚼。Mouse starts to chew.

对,嚼嚼咽下去。Yes, chew and swallow.

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他还喜欢咬人家的鞋子。And he loves to chew shoes.

种籽类食品要连壳一起吃。Chew on seeds in their shells.

这里的嚼头很大。There is much to chew on here.

嚼咬新鲜爽脆的胡萝卜。Chew on a crisp crunchy carrot.

糙齿龙会大声咀嚼,格格地咬牙。Trachodon would chew and chomp.

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他甚至学会了咀嚼烟叶。He even learned to chew tobacco.

有种你丫的就来尝尝我的拳头!Maybe you should chew on my fist!

只适用于刷牙,不可咀嚼。For toothbrushing only. Do not chew.

慢慢咀嚼尼古丁含片,直到感觉发麻。Chew the gum slowly until it tingles.

贪多嚼不烂。别不自量力。Dont bite off more than you can chew.

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不要贪多嚼不烂。不要自不量力。Don't bite off more than one can chew.

不要去咬你嚼不动的东西。Don't bite off more than you can chew.

嚼东西时请闭上嘴!Please close your mouth when you chew.

这位母亲告诉她的孩子要细嚼食物。The mother told her child to chew food.

慢慢嚼,我不想看到你噎到。Chew it well. I don't want you to choke.

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张著嘴巴嘴嚼食物是没礼貌的。It is rude to chew with your mouth open.

他们继续走,看见一只狗在啃骨头。They walked on, saw a dog in chew bones.

那东西必须细嚼。You must always chew the thing carefully.