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要不要我去把出纳员叫来?Shall I call the teller?

银行“起用”她当出纳员。The bank started her as a teller.

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出纳员告诉我得签这些表格。The teller told me I need to sign these forms.

你变成了一个揣摩别人心思的人,一个算命先生。You become a mind reader and a fortune teller.

他要我到出纳员那儿交款。He wants me to teller to hand in the item there.

他胜过我们班里最好的故事员。He cuts down the finest story- teller in our class.

潘吉利特,潘&泰勒队的迷妄论者。Penn Jillette illusionist of the team Penn & Teller.

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我是一个叙事者,我有我自己的“地盘”。Etc. I am a story teller and I am making my own "place".

1986年,他成为工商银行上海一个分支机构的出纳。He joined an ICBC branch in Shanghai in 1986 as a teller.

那五常让算命先生代写应战告示。The Wuchang let the fortune teller to write with notices.

但综合柜员制的推行又带来了一定的操作风险。But the teller systems bring to a certain operational risk.

那位行员叫我来找妳处理开户事宜。The teller told me to come see you about opening an account.

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出纳员无法直接访问相关系统。The teller won't have direct access to the relevant systems.

三号柜台的出纳员会根据您的号码牌付钱给您。The teller at counter 3 will pay you against your number SLIP.

在接过银行职员给他的钱后,“圣诞老人”开着一样灰色小轿车离开。After the teller handed over the cash, the man fled in a grey car.

译成外文,少了中文的神韵。不过还好我最近想到了更喜欢的签名。I may not be the best story-teller, but I am the best-story teller.

负责与旅行社的结帐工作,收款后交于出纳。Collect bills from travel services and hand the payment to the teller.

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在当天结束时结存现金,并将钱柜里的现金退还给收银员。To balance cash at day end and return cash with teller box to cashier.

通过收银员存取款时要把它带来。Please bring it back when you deposit or withdraw money using a teller.

比如我在当地银行支行找到出纳员询问我的账户的事情。Say I go to a teller at my local bank branch and ask about my accounts.