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哎吆!那是个潜意识的暗示吗?不!WHOOPS ! Is that a subliminal hint? NO!

阈下死亡意念的促发是这样进行的。The idea of subliminal death primes is this.

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潜意识把情感和每个物体联系起来。This subliminal image tied an emotion to each object.

这些潜意识的图像为每个物体都绑定了一种情绪。These subliminal images tied an emotion to each object.

阈下心理过程的确存在,并且可以被检测。Subliminal mental processing does exist, and can be tested.

软广告通过潜意识的作用来影响消费者。The soft sell approach gets to consumers in a subliminal way.

潜意识信息能来自于预先录制的,或者活体信号。The subliminal data can be from a prerecorded or live signal.

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叠加方法和仪器对潜意识信息传播有用。Superimposing method and apparatus useful for subliminal messages.

如果是这样,你可能就成了阈下广告阴谋的受害者!If so, you may be the victim of a subliminal advertising conspiracy!

你能听到这歇斯底里的呐喊吗?And can you hear the sound of hysteria?The subliminal mindfuck America.

借用他人的句子和用词这种下意识的“移花接木”行为往往在我们最不经意的时候发生。The subliminal part of our brains pick up phrases and words when we least expect it.

要花等多时间去理解的是,每种文化都有它最崇高的价值观和信仰。What takes longer to understand is that each culture has subliminal values and beliefs.

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光明会想要利用艺人来控制群众的潜意识,他们将信息安插在他们的歌曲中。The Illuminati use these performers to insert subliminal mind control messages in their songs.

第二类的内容可以从某些自发侵入意识的潜意识内容推断出来。Group two can be inferred from the spontaneous irruption of subliminal contents into consciousness.

结合通信原理、信息论、信号处理理论为潜信道技术提供理论框架。Based on subliminal channel theory and PKI technique, the new information security techique is proposed.

我的意见是最好的非冲浪运动就是看冲浪录影带。In my opinion, the best non-surfing activity is to watch surf videos. That subliminal power is very persuasive.

潜信道是在公开信道中所建立的一种实现隐蔽通信的信道。Subliminal channel is a channel which is built in the public channel in ord er to realize secret communication.

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这篇文章的作者把他们的自己的研究与假定存在的广告的下意识力量进行了平行对比。The authors of the paper draw the parallels between their own work and the supposed power of subliminal advertising.

进一步的研究显示,潜意识广告对一个人的理智决策只有很小或者根本没有影响。Further studies have revealed that subliminal messages have little to no effect on a person’s rational decision making.

通过一个检测人在看到愉悦、中立和具威胁性的图像时潜意识趋向性的实验,人们得出了以上结论。That's the conclusion from a study examining people's subliminal preferences for happy, neutral, and threatening images.