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这项运动通常仅限于赛单峰驼骆驼。The sport is generally limited to running only the dromedary camel.

以全透明水晶制成,配有切割水晶角和黑矿色水晶眼睛。Fully faceted clear crystal dromedary with eyes in Jet Hematite crystal.

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单调的金色沙洲背景中,能看见一点他所骑的骆驼。A hint of his dromedary is visible against the simple backdrop of golden sand.

向导的单峰骆驼在简洁的黄沙背景的衬托下,少许的显露也是如此的显眼。A hint of his dromedary is visible against the simple backdrop of golden sand.

沙漠时刻!单峰骆驼变成一千只单峰骆驼,在天空窃笑。The desert hour when the dromedary becomes a thousand dromedaries snickering in the sky.

我就是活跃在中东沙漠地区的单峰骆驼。I'm a dromedary camel, the one-hump kind that lives on the hot deserts of the Middle East.

这种单峰骆驼,或阿拉伯骆驼,用它的单个驼峰区别于它的双峰骆驼“亲戚”。The dromedary , or Arabian, camel distinguishes itself from its Bactrian relatives by its single hump.

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单峰骆驼比较高大,在沙漠中能走能跑,可以运货,也能驮人。Comparison of tall dromedary , in the desert can go to run, you can move their goods were also carried.

你们实在应该瞧瞧那只单峰骆驼看上去是多麽迷惑的表情,还有那个商人拿长衫遮掩著头的样子。You should have seen how puzzled the dromedary looked, and how the merchant drew his caftan over his head.

格尔塔是乍得撒哈拉沙漠里一个陡峭的峡谷,骆驼妈妈正在悠闲的饮水,一只年幼的单峰骆驼躲在后面偷看。A young dromedary camel peeks underneath its mother as she casually drinks in the Guelta Arche, a steep canyon in the Chadian Sahara.

格尔塔是乍得撒哈拉沙漠里一个陡峭的峡谷,骆驼妈妈正在悠闲的饮水,一只年幼的单峰骆驼躲在后面偷看。A young dromedary camel peeks underneath its mother as she casually drinks in the Guelta Archeï, a steep canyon in the Chadian Sahara.

像我这么「精密、进步」的单峰骆驼,绝不可能是偶然冒出来的,必定有一位非常聪明、有智慧的设计者才能制造出奇妙的我。I'ma very technical, highly-engineered dromedary camel. Things like me don't just happen. They're planned by Someone very intelligent and logical.