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简而言之,这意味着不再让纳税人救市。Simply put, this means no more taxpayer bailouts.

这不仅能巩固医保,也能节约纳税人的资金。This not only strengthens Medicare, it saves taxpayer dollars.

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他们说,纳税人的钱是不会用在这个交易里的。Taxpayer money would not be included in such a deal, they said.

别再打算拿几十亿纳税人血汗钱往汽车城打水漂了。Forget about throwing billions more of taxpayer money at Motown.

所以,今天我们发布了首份联邦纳税人税收收据。So today, we're announcing the first-ever federal taxpayer receipt.

美国第一女儿回应对她囤积纳税人铜板的指控。The first daughter responds to charges of hoarding taxpayer nickels.

在窗口工作久了,和很多纳税人也相熟了。In the window, and a lot of work for a long time in taxpayer also ripe.

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税基、税率、纳税人等在各省区之间各不相同、因地制宜。Whose tax base, tax rate and taxpayer vary between different provinces.

可不该发生的还是发生了,那些银行拿了纳税人的钱并大模大样的坐在了上面。But as it happened, the banks took the taxpayer money and just sat on it.

最终,被一大摞海龟压在最底层的是美国的纳税人。In the end, the turtle at the bottom of the pile is the American taxpayer.

据信女王这个简单的举动就足足为纳税人节省了约5.7万英镑的支出。It is believed that this simple act saved the taxpayer an estimated £57000.

因此,纳税人别无选择,只能伸出援手以确保金融系统的正常运作。So the taxpayer had no real choice but to step in to keep the system afloat.

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美国纳税人不会用来支撑通用公司的巨大海外网络。There will be no US taxpayer dollars used to prop-up GM's vast overseas network.

但华尔街的罪行不仅仅是破坏经济、坑害纳税人。But crashing the economy and fleecing the taxpayer aren’t Wall Street’s only sins.

纳税者的钱在很大程度上去向不明,花得既没有透明度,也没有责任感。Too often taxpayer dollars have been spent without transparency or accountability.

在这个吧里,顾客的一些消费费用是市财政部里纳税人的钱支付的。In this bar, some of the costs are covered by taxpayer money from the city treasury.

和纳税人投入到能源研究上的资金相比,谷歌授予的奖励算不了什么。The Google prize is nothing compared to taxpayer money flowing into energy research.

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如果你搞砸了,你还有一顶金色的降落伞,纳税人会来救你。And if you fail, you will have a golden parachute and the taxpayer will bail you out.

如果你是居住在英国伯明翰市的一位纳税人的话,那你的回答肯定是下面这两个字——“很多”,因为他们每年在每个从事此项工作的工人身上实际支付的费用已经超过9万英镑。"A lot" is the answer if you are a taxpayer in Birmingham. Over 90, 000 pounds in fact.

没有扣缴义务人的,由纳税义务人自行申报纳税。In cases there is no withholding agent, the taxpayer shall file a return and pay tax himself.