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他不信任我的才干。He is mistrustful of my ability.

看来你连自己的朋友都信不过了。You seem mistrustful even of your friends.

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而奇怪的丑陋的脸庞则说明你内心很多疑。If you sketch weird or ugly faces, you are probably mistrustful.

他们是那般不相信人,以致于他们不知道该相信什么。They were mistrustful of everybody that they never know what to believe.

他们对隐士缺乏信任感,不相信我们是来给予的。They are mistrustful of hermits, and do not be- lieve that we come to give.

他们是那般不相信人,以致于他们不知道该相信什么。They were so mistrustful of everybody that they never know what to believe.

第三个对通货膨胀情况表示怀疑的原因是什么?很简单,经济。The third reason to be mistrustful of the inflation picture? Simple. Economics.

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由于不信任大规模的军队,本·阿里有意识的弱化军队力量。Mistrustful of large militaries, he purposefully ensured the weakness of the army.

这是一个铁证,证实每个特工都会对其国外同僚不放心,都要进行监视。The wire was solid evidence of each operative’s mistrustful surveillance of his fellow agents.

两人都过着与世隔绝,没有童年的生活,对外界充满了不信任。他们相信自己找到了知音。Both had been sheltered from the real world, missed out on their childhoods and were mistrustful of outsiders. They believed they were soul mates.

它是一个欧洲上流社会很难理解和体会的梦想,并且我们中的相当多人对此持怀疑和不信任的态度。It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us ourselves have grown tired and mistrustful of it.

很难让欧洲上流社会理解这样一个梦想,对此我们早已倦于解释。It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us ourselves have grown weary and mistrustful of it.

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要克服偏见,就必须跨越敌意和不信任的心理障碍,加强直接接触,不管你是喜欢还是不喜欢。Want to overcome prejudice, must span animosity and mistrustful psychogenic disorder, strengthen direct contact, no matter you are, like or do not like.

根据这篇调查报告的说法,这些受访女性很不信任自己丈夫的理财能力,她们中仅五分之一的人愿意听取丈夫提出的理财建议。And so mistrustful are they of their husbands' abilities with money, that only one in five is willing to take financial advice from them, according to the study.

当然,雇主会把这事告诉你的,但这些东西经常很难准确地定量,而且工人集体谈判时常有一种不信任的氛围。Of course, the employer may tell you, but these things are often hard to quantify precisely, and collective bargaining tends to take place in a fairly mistrustful atmosphere.

愤世嫉俗者通常倾向于对他人充满怀疑和不信任,这种性格特征科学家称之为敌意,他们在很大程度上有可能发展成为心脏病患者。Cynics who tend to be suspicious and mistrustful of others, a character trait that scientists refer to as hostility, may have an increased likelihood of developing heart disease.

由于当时的罗马社会对君主制仍抱持着怀疑态度,许多人期望恢复共和国,因此认为这件作品曾广泛流传的说法是颇有争议的。It could have proved controversial for such an image to have been spread widely, since Roman society was still very mistrustful of monarchy, with many hoping for a return to the Republic.