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这有点过于简单化了。This is a slight oversimplification.

不过,有人认为这个法则过度简单化了。Yet here the dogma can be accused of oversimplification.

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人们承认这种方法带有人为性并且过分简单化。There is admittedly artificiality and oversimplification in this approach.

虽然这种信念有一些基础,也确实太过于简单化了。While there is some basis for this belief, it is certainly an oversimplification.

对大多数函数性语言来说,这有点过于简化,但是只是过了一点点。This is a slight oversimplification of most functional languages, but only a slight one.

避免将问题过于简单化的关键是尊重你要解决的问题。The key to avoiding oversimplification is respecting the problem you're trying to resolve.

有这样一句古老的谚语,“吃啥像啥”。这一认识显然过于简单化了。There is an old saying that "we are what we eat". Obviously this is an oversimplification.

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这是被我重复多遍的一句俏皮话,但这句话太过简单,无法给我带来任何好处。That’s the repeatable one-liner, but it’s a gross oversimplification and isn’t doing me any favors.

一个是对自我的放大,另一个可以称之为“对他们的过于简化”One is enhancement of the self but the other is what you can call "oversimplification of the other."

有人说男人付出爱以换取性,而女人用性来换取爱情,这把这些东西过于单纯化了。It's been said that men give love to get sex, and women give sex to get love, but that's an oversimplification.

对我来说,诉讼与辩护同样都被滑稽地简单化了,而判决又是所有简单化中最滑稽的。Prosecution seemed to me as grotesque a simplification as defense, and judging was the most grotesque oversimplification of all.

我也许把问题过分简化了,但在我看来,这却是欧洲经济体与美国经济区别的核心。This is an oversimplification but seems to me to get at the heart of the difference between European economies and the U.S. economy.

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显然,挑选一个家庭和生活环境的参数成千上万,因此上述假想是个大大简化了的过程。Now obviously there are thousands of parameters for choosing a family and life situation so the above scenario is a vast oversimplification of the process.

如果很明确地说加强是强壮的,而那不加强同时用渐弱音趋向顶点是柔弱的说法似乎是过于简单了。It seems to be an oversimplification to say that the positive emphasis is masculine, while the negative emphasis, with a decrescendo toward the climax, is feminine.

技术观的神化、西化和简单化,是工业技术观的主要偏颇,也是种种技术悖论产生的主要原因。The apotheosis, westernization and oversimplification are both the deficiency of industrial technology view and the main reasons for the born of all sort of technological paradox.

被简单化和绝对化的自利和无私的二元分立,必然造成商业原则和道德情操的互相排斥。The oversimplification and radicalization of the binary opposition between self-interest and selflessness must lead to mutual exclusion between business principles and moral sentiments.

当时的消灭规划采用了过度简化和高度标准化的死板操作程序,想以此来补偿大部分流行国家薄弱的卫生基础设施。That programme used oversimplification and highly standardized, rigid operational procedures in an effort to compensate for weak health infrastructures in the vast majority of endemic countries.