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财政纪律松驰。Financial discipline is lax.

松懈的保安措施使小偷有机可乘。Lax security allowed the thieves to enter.

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有的党组织软弱涣散。Some Party organizations are feeble and lax.

如医疗卷械消毒不严。If the medical volume weapon disinfection is lax.

墨西哥州立监狱的安全措施是出了名的松解。Security at Mexican state prisons is notoriously lax.

我很快回复了邮件给他,并告诉他我在洛杉矶机场的经历。I quickly emailed him back about my experience at LAX.

在反堕胎人士来看,现在的法律在道德上太宽松了。To ardent pro- lifers , the law today is immorally lax.

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我们试过这种解卡剂,而且相当成功。钻井机厂家。We tried the pipe lax material, and quite successfully.

我觉得,似乎所有公民中,只有我付清了税款。I felt as if I alone of all my townsmen had paid my lax.

原因常常是疏忽大意和松懈的安全措施。Many are caused by negligence and lax safety procedures.

“泻药不治咳嗽!”店主生气的大声说。"Ex- Lax won't cure a cough! " the owner shouted angrily.

严而无笑或笑而不严都是不可取的。Father and do not have laugh or laugh and lax cannot take.

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连一侧的松身上,也落了同样的粉末。Even the lax body of 1 side up, likewise fell same abrasive.

加拿大移民政策特别宽待树袋熊,式真的么?Is it true that Canada has lax immigration policies for Koalas?

我们粗旷的管理和法律,也至少达到了部分效果。Our own lax management and laws are at least partially effective.

它依赖于派系斗争、松懈的政策以及反西方的仇恨主义。It feeds on sectarian strife, lax policing and anti-Western hatred.

在那年代,法律界的道德有些废弛堕落。The ethics of the legal profession, in those days, were somewhat lax.

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淫靡的宫廷风气和荒诞的骑士风尚都已达到鼎盛的时期。Lax court morals and the absurd chivalry business were in full feather.

中国有很多奴隶劳动者,还有非常宽松的环境法规。China has a lot of slave labor , as well as very lax environmental laws.

少量的水,如松懈渗出水坝,不像是一个污水很多。Little water, such as dams to lax exudation , unlike what a lot of sewage.