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在休息室里,他迅速地打开皮包。In an anteroom he hastily opened his briefcase.

他在前厅耐心地等了一个小时。He had been patiently waiting in the anteroom for an hour.

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一个小小的前厅几乎被一张乒乓球桌占满。A small anteroom was almost completely dominated by a Ping-Pong table.

总统套房结合了中国与国外的古典因素。President the anteroom unified China and the overseas classical factor.

假日病人来的时候医生正忙着,护士会让他们在接待室等候。If the physician is busy when patients arrive, the nurse asks them to wait in the anteroom.

两边的休息室是急诊室的床,一个接待室,一个厕所室。On either side of the lounge were emergency rooms with cots, an anteroom , and a toilet room.

我现在借时间过活,在接受不可避免会到临召唤的接待室等待。I live now on borrowed time, waiting in the anteroom for the summons that will inevitably come.

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“海上世界”拥有高雅、舒适的套房239间,可同时接待600多位宾客。The marine world has loftily , comfortable anteroom 239, may simultaneously receive more than 600 guests.

前房角窄的患眼,术中可联合周边虹膜切除。⑥虹膜与瞳孔检查。Anteroom horn has an eye narrowly, circumjacent iris excision can be combined in art. ⑥ iris and pupil are checked.

我们中谁没有在某个接待室里坐过,眼睛盯着那扇含有各种可能的莫测高森的门板?Which one of us has not sat in some anteroom and watched the inscrutable panels of a door that was full of meaning?

我们中谁没有在某个接待室里做过,眼睛盯着那扇含有各种各样可能性的莫测高深的门板?Which one of us has not sat in some anteroom and watched the inscrutable panels of a door that was full of meaning ?

我先眨眨眼驱散外面马路上的亮光,然后才在休息室里模模糊糊认出了他,他正在跟一个人说话。Blinking away the brightness of the street outside, my eyes picked him out obscurely in the anteroom , talking to another man.

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若眼部不小心挫伤时,也要观察前房角,看看房角有无损害及损害的程度。When the ministry that be like an eye contuses not carefully, also want to watch anteroom part, horn seeing a room has nondestructive to kill reach harm level.

术前角膜内皮细胞计数,对手术方式选择及预后判断有重要意义。⑤前房及前房角检查。Count of cell of endodermis of the cornea before art, to operation means choice and prognostic judgement have important sense. ⑤ anteroom and anteroom horn are checked.

一些开发商乐观认为,央行即将出台的第二套房政策,可能比一些地方政府目前出台的政策还要宽松。Some developers believed optimistically , Central Bank soon appears the second anteroom policy, possibly must be more loose than some Local authority present releasing policy.

据介绍,之前的房贷政策对“第二套房”是一刀切,只要贷款买过房,再贷款买就都是第二套。It is reported that Fang before Dai the policy is right " the second anteroom" is across-the-board ruling, so long as loans has purchased homes, loans buys is the second set again.

2003年他在人民议会发表演讲时跌倒,迫使国防部长将议员们滞留在会议厅,直到医生们将他抢救过来后才散去。In 2003 he collapsed while making a speech at the People's Assembly, prompting the defence minister to lock MPs in the chamber until doctors had revived the president in an anteroom.

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2003年他在人民议会发表演讲时跌倒,迫使国防部长将议员们滞留在会议厅,直到医生们将他抢救过来后才散去。In 2003 he collapsed while making a speech at the People’s Assembly, prompting the defence minister to lock MPs in the chamber until doctors had revived the president in an anteroom.