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最终,堆和栈会冲突。Eventually, stack and heap will collide.

没有恒星会真的在这一过程中碰撞。No stars actually collide in the process.

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当分子相碰撞时彼此互斥。Molecules repel each other when they collide.

上图线段应该于四月或刚四月后相交。These lines should collide in April or shortly thereafter.

有时,这些星系团之间会发生碰撞,并合二为一。Sometimes these clusters collide and merge with one another.

一个常见的杂耍问题发生时两家具乐部在空中相撞。A common juggling problem occurs when two clubs collide in the air.

球员们在争夺球时真实地拼抢。Players jostle and collide realistically while trying to win balls.

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斯普金思想要发现正邪两个世界冲突时会发生什么。Sipkins wanted to find out what happens when the two worlds collide.

使数据库共享内存和堆栈不发生冲突,这一点很重要。It is important that the database shared memory and stack do not collide.

就像台球开球一样,最初的星系看起来非常容易碰撞。Like racked billiard balls, nascent galaxies were more likely to collide.

一个可能的方法是用质子一非常大的能量头碰头的碰撞。One way to look is to collide protons head-on at extremely high energies.

这些尘埃小微粒互相碰撞形成了较大的微粒。The dust particles collide with each other and form into larger particles.

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为了不让数据和堆栈有冲突,设置它们的限制就十分重要。It is important to set their limits so they do not collide with each other.

这些微粒相互撞击后结合在一起,形成了较大的块状物。These particles began to collide and stick together, forming larger clumps.

为模拟船桥碰撞过程,建立了桥梁和船舶碰撞的三维有限元模型。A 3 -D finite element model for a bridge and a ship to collide are established.

如果各方面进展顺利,对撞机将在十二月进行粒子的加速和碰撞。If all goes well, the machine will accelerate and collide particles in December.

不可能的问题使你的志向幅度和问题本身相碰撞。Impossible questions collide the scale of your ambition with the problem itself.

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几维,海豹,神话,传说和自然力量相互冲撞构成了新西兰的地理地貌。Myth, legend, and wild forces of nature all collide within Wellingtons landscape.

微型行星会慢慢互相碰撞而增加重量。The "planetesimals" would slowly collide with each other and become more massive.

现在俄罗斯科学家们预计阿波菲斯可能在2036年4月13号与地球相撞。Now Russian scientists estimate Apophis will collide with Earth on April 13, 2036.