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兰哈姆是马里兰的一个城市吗?Is Lanham a city in Maryland?

马里兰州拉普拉塔斯龙卷风路径Path of a Tornado in La Plata, Maryland

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保罗·亚当斯在马里兰米德堡报道。Paul Adams reports from Fort Meade in Maryland.

然后我们一起去了马里兰州交易会。Then we went to the Maryland State Fair together.

其中一位住在俄亥俄州汉明顿,其他人住在马里兰州黑尔索普。The other allegedly lived in Halethorpe, Maryland.

22岁的安德鲁·希姆来自马里兰州。Andrew Shim is twenty-two years old, from Maryland.

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丹尼尔作为契约佣工来到马里兰州。Daniel arrived in Maryland as an indentured servant.

上图是在马里兰州哥伦比亚特区出生一天的男婴。This one-day-old boy was born in Columbia, Maryland.

她现在与丈夫生活在马里兰州,银泉。She lives with her husband in Silver Spring, Maryland.

马里兰州好吃的菜也许是蓝脚螃蟹。The favorite Maryland dish seems to be the blue-leg crabs.

林肯被杀前一周,他刚好在马丽兰州的梦露镇。A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe, Maryland.

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位于马里兰州的“品味”餐车开业于1935年。The Tastee Diner in Maryland opened in nineteen thirty-five.

大西洋中部的马里兰州被称为自由州。The mid-Atlantic state of Maryland is called the Free State.

位于大西洋中部的马里兰州被称为“自由之州”。The mid-Atlantic state of Maryland is called the Free State.

这是马里兰近40年来最严重的一起救伤直升机坠机事故。It was the deadliest medevac accident in Maryland in 40 years.

贾可布森是美国马里兰大学的物理教授。Jacobson is a physics professor at the University of Maryland.

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布朗要从位于马里兰州境内的波托马可河开始发起攻击。Brown organized his attack from across the Potomac, in Maryland.

马里兰州参议员布罗钦改变了在同性恋婚姻问题上的立场。Maryland Senator Jim Brochin changed his stance on gay marriage.

蕾妮·哈金斯是马里兰大学一名法律教授。Renee Hutchins is a law professor at the University of Maryland.