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普莱诺高中两度被选为蓝带学校并且是一所德克萨斯模范学校。Plano is a two-time Blue Ribbon School and a Texas Exemplary School.

一段2010年的视频显示佩里曾出现在华为在普莱诺的新总部落成的庆祝仪式上。A video from October 2010 shows Perry at the ceremony in Plano to celebrate Huawei’s new headquarters.

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他称赞义工们是布兰诺之光,是布兰诺市可以依赖的宝贵资源。He praised that the volunteers light the way for Plano. They are most reliable resource for City of Plano.

比如说去年,得克萨斯州州长里克佩里为华为在普莱诺的一处工厂举行了仪式。Last year, for example, Texas Governor Rick Perry held a ceremony for Huawei’s expansion of a facility in Plano.

布兰诺市政府义工资源总监鲍比克说,由于义工们的努力,布兰诺才成为全美最美好的居住城市之一。Plano's volunteer resources supervisor Robin Popik said that Plano had became one of the most beautiful cities to live because of the volunteers' efforts.

布兰诺市政副经理以色莱尔森首先致词,感谢义工们对布兰诺市民的慷慨奉献。Plano's assistant city manager Mark Isrealson presented his speech first. He thanked the volunteers for their contributions and services to citizens of Plano.

十堰港森精密模具设备制造有限公司是一家专业从事龙门铣床、龙门磨床、侧面铣床的台资企业。We are Shiyan Gangsen Exactitude Mould Facility Making Co. , Ltd's a joint venture engaged in producing milling planer, Plano grinder and Side milling machine.

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在欢度节日期间布兰诺警察局提醒大家,系好安全带丶在清醒的时候驾车丶遵守限速和交通法。As we celebrate this holiday season, the Plano Police Department would like to remind everyone that they should buckle up, drive sober, and obey our speed limits and traffic laws.

以静态单人、双人及多人摄像照明和人物造型为例,介绍了侧光、平光和逆光三种光线处理的灯位布局方法。By modeling design and static photography lighting for single, double and multi performers for example, the three types of lighting plot using side, plano and back lighting were introduced.

据古奇奥尼第四任妻子道恩·瓦伦·古奇奥尼介绍,他过去一年一直住在德州,与病魔作了长期斗争之后,终因肺癌死于普拉诺专科医院。Mr. Guccione, who had lived in Texas for the past year, died of lung cancer at Plano Specialty Hospital after a long battle with the disease, said April Dawn Warren Guccione, his fourth wife.