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这个工作室坐落在草坪之上。The atelier is located across the lawn.

一次,我去米兰拜访一家很棒的工作室。I once visited a very nice atelier in Milan.

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我那可怜的爹告诉我,他曾搞过一间银板照相的暗室。Poor papa's daguerreotype atelier he told me of.

这个工作室本身可以被描述为一个艺术品。The atelier itself can be described as an work of art.

阿科米星全体同仁赴日本旅游考察一周。Team of Atelier Archmixing traveled in Japan for a week.

FishbolDesign工作室设计了这个适合他们的书椅。The FishbolDesign Atelier designed Bookseat is appropriate for them.

我决定采取往下走克罗斯访问我最喜爱的商店画室。I decided to take a walk down Crosby to visit my favorite store Atelier.

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在这个原则的画室老师是戴尔雷德帕斯和何秀兰柳条。The principle instructors at The Atelier are Dale Redpath and Cyd Wicker.

我们并没有进军陶瓷业,工作室只是为了游戏业务做补充。We did not march ceramics, atelier just does complement for game business.

取而代之的是在蒙帕纳斯一个叫琼尼·弗兰德兰德的美国艺术家的作坊里当雕刻师。Instead he worked as an engraver in the atelier of the American artist Johnny Friedlander in Montparnasse.

这一天,他得知一间荒废已久的工作室内竟传来父亲的讯息。This day, he is informed bedraggled the message that father transmits unexpectedly inside long already atelier.

藤村博士是免电工作室的经理,这个实验室发明免电的产品。Dr. Fujimura is the head of Atelier Non-Electric , a laboratory that invents products that do not depend on electricity.

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新年初至,灵感即降临我的书房画室,这于我可是个好兆头。Just at New Year arriving in for the first time the inspiration befell my study and atelier. This is a good omen for me.

图形墙纸和电影与原来的巴黎工作室的照片印上贴满表面垂直。Graphic wall paper and films printed with photographs of the original Paris atelier are plastered onto vertical surfaces.

在卓刀泉附近一个网吧的代练工作室,记者遇到了24岁的小志。Around Zhuo Daoquan the generation of an Internet bar drills atelier , the reporter encountered little sign of 24 years old.

设计运用矿物和反映作为指导理念,随后将拆剪法发挥地淋漓尽致。Using the words 'Mineral' and 'reflection' as guiding concepts, Atelier Tekuto proceeded to use subtraction as a positive tool for design.

邹晖的论文和王家浩对大舍的访谈,将让我们更深入地了解大舍的创作内涵。An essay by Hui Zou and the dialogue between Jiahao Wang and Atelier Deshous help you to understand the essence of their design more deeply.

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对于结构,工作室选用了预制的混凝土和压制的钢铁棍子,它将首层与地下室之间的体量分开。For the structure, Atelier Tekuto chose precast concrete with pre-stressed steel bar, to separate the volume between ground floor and basement.

另外,最近流行的独立制作工作室模式,通过高分红还将使游戏人才有更高的额外收入。Additional, popular recently independence makes atelier pattern, pass tall share out bonus to still will make game talent has higher extra income.

不妨买个天使造型的摆饰品,放在窗边或工作室内,能加强它的能量,战胜情敌。Might as well buy an angel formative to place adorn article, put inside window edge or atelier , can strengthen its energy, conquer rival in love.