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是的。那儿的夜生活很有趣。Yeah. The nightlife is so much fun.

所以这里夜生活是非常昂贵的。so the nightlife is very expensive.

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能跟我们讲讲你的夜生活吗?Can you tell us about your nightlife?

那里的夜生活也很精采。The nightlife there is wonderful, too.

在特里贝克夜生活很丰富,There's a lot of nightlife in Tribeca,

感受过这里的夜生活吧?But you saw something of the nightlife?

她喜欢享受六本木的夜生活。She was enjoying the Roppongi nightlife.

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你可以给我们讲讲卡姆登的夜生活吗?Can you tell us about the nightlife in Camden?

能跟我们讲讲你在特里贝克的夜生活吗?Can you tell us about the nightlife in Tribeca?

你能跟我们讲讲纽约的夜生活吗?Can you tell us about nightlife in New York City?

我们该去哪里享受伦敦的夜生活呢?Where should we go to enjoy the nightlife in London?

旧金山的夜生活怎么样?Can you tell us about the nightlife in San Francisco?

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你能跟我们讲讲你在纽约的夜生活吗?Can you tell us about your nightlife in New York City?

棕榈泉有高档的餐厅和奢华的夜生活。Palm Springs has ritzy restaurants and glitzy nightlife.

她的夜生活照片直接成为我信息流的主要内容。Straightaway, photos of her nightlife dominated my news feed.

逛街购物也很方便。夜生活很丰富,有很多当地的乐队。The shopping is good. The nightlife is fun, lots of local bands.

然后在时尚的贝伊奥卢,也是城市夜生活的中心,购物和吃饭。Then shop and dine in modern Beyo?lu, centre of the city's nightlife.

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因此,夜生活是上海必不可缺的一部分。As a result, nightlife is one of the indispensable things in shanghai.

乔治市的夜生活素享盛名,我们最后找到了一家挤满男人的酒吧。George Town is famous for its nightlife and we end up in a bar full of men.

从里亚托桥上,我看到了威尼斯的夜生活所呈现出的活力。From the Rialto Bridge, I watch the activity of the Venetian nightlife unfold.