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“横披”贴于门媚的横木上。"HengPi" stuck on the door the crossbar of mei.

贝尔实验室纵横中央局交换机问世。Bell introduces crossbar central office switches.

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结果就是用英尺表示的横段的长度。The result is the length of the crossbar in feet.

悬挂在这两道横梁上的木闩能够自由地移动。Hanging from these beams is a crossbar that moves freely.

本文第三章的主要内容是交叉开关交换。In chapter three, we mainly introduce crossbar switching.

这就让它下沉的时间减少,于是它就撞上了门柱。This gives it less time to dip, and it hits the crossbar.

守门员用手掌勉强把球挡过球门横木。The goalkeeper just managed to palm the ball over the crossbar.

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他把一边的横梁画得太高,另一边的又画得太低。He put the crossbar too high at one end and too low at the other!

产品编号印在靠近横杆的一张不干胶标签上。The item number is printed on a sticker on the rear wheel crossbar.

第二章讨论了基于交叉开关的高速交换系统。In Chapter two, we discuss crossbar based high-speed switching systems.

日本的一个超级狗狂欢节上,一只狮子狗正在跨越单杠。A Toy Poodle jumps over a crossbar during the Super Dogs Carnival in Tokorozawa, Japan.

威尔谢尔在禁区外也有一脚值得称道的尝试,皮球擦着横梁飞出。Jack Wilshere had a token effort from outside the box soon after fly over the crossbar.

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马塞洛在上半场临近结束前获得了单刀面对克拉瓦的机会,但是他的射门高出了横梁。Marcelo faced Kelava in a one-on-one close to half-time, but his shot went over the crossbar.

我们在单片FPGA中完成了6个端口、32位数据总线宽度交叉开关的设计。We complete the design of crossbar switch with 6 ports and 32 bits data bus on one chip of FPGA.

交叉开关是无阻塞网络,允许所有可能的点对点间的同时连接。Crossbar switch is unblock network, it allows all possible simultaneous connect from point to point.

Banton第15分钟的1个远射击败了年轻的爱尔兰人,但被横梁拒绝。One such effort from Banton in the 15th minute beat the young Irishman, only to strike the crossbar.

诺小新说他每次比赛前,都会把门柱完整的摸…Just before the whistle at the start of the game, I touch each of the goalposts and the crossbar once.

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表现出色的罗伯茨在门前20码爆射打中横梁,技惊四座。The excellent Michael Roberts displayed great technique with a 20-yard smack which shook the crossbar.

第54分钟时,德国队踢出了一个极好的配合,但最后穆勒从距球门13米处射门时,球高出了横杆。After 54 minutes a wonderful combination ended with Müller shooting the ball over the crossbar from 13 meters.

我们的小组正在利用开关阵列和接线上的AND与OR逻辑闸,建造一种不寻常的交叉杆逻辑电路。Our team is building an unusual form of crossbar logic circuit with arrays of switches and wired ANDs and ORs.