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在泰勒斯威尔的房子仍然没卖掉。The house in Taylorsville is still unsold.

本盘以货物未售出为准。This offer is subject to the goods being unsold.

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我把剩下来的东西放置在箱子里,准备捐献出去。I placed everything else unsold in a box to be donated.

此盘以接到贵方答复时货未售出为有效。Subject to the goods being unsold on receipt of your reply.

此外,未售的房产存货仍然接近历史水平。Also, the unsold inventory of homes remains near record levels.

好消息是,这种情况可以逐渐清空积压的未售出房屋。The good news is that it is clearing the inventory of unsold homes.

父亲劝我打消今年夏天去北戴河海滨的念头。Father unsold me on the idea of going to Beidaihe beach this summer.

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本报盘以你方复到时,货物未售出为有效。This offer is subject to goods being unsold on receipt of your reply.

谁也不知道,她那一大批没卖出的书上哪儿去了。No one knows what happened to the legions of unsold copies of her book.

未销售出去的成车库存正在影响着整个产业链。Unsold stocks of complete bicycles are clogging the distribution chain.

本盘以收到贵方复信时尚未出售为条件。This offer is subject to the goods being unsold on receipt of your reply.

有些项目未售出门卷可以在场外入口处有售。Unsold tickets for some event were available to the purchase at the door.

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未售出前、收到你方回函接受为准。This offer is subjected to the goods being unsold on receipt of your reply.

这样的骗局将涉及到拿到已经开封但是还没有售出的彩票本。The scam would involve getting access to opened but unsold books of tickets.

仓库里还有2万元的羊毛没有销售出去。There are still 20,000 yuan worth of unsold woolens remaining in the storehouse.

本盘以收到你方订单时,货物未出售为效。This offer is effective subject to the goods' being unsold when your order reach us.

未销售住房存量仍然居高不下,这将继续构成房价下跌的压力。The still-high inventory of unsold homes will likely keep downward pressure on home prices.

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目前还不清楚美国的停机坪上有多少未售出或未付款的私人飞机。It is unclear how many private jets are sitting unsold and unpaid for on the nation's tarmacs.

未售住宅的不成交纪录依旧很高,而日益升高的贷款利率可能会进一步打击需求。The backlog of unsold houses remains high, and rising mortgage rates may further dampen demand.

市场和餐厅鸡的销售量一落千丈,宠物店鸟笼里憔悴的鸟也无人问津。Chicken sales are down at markets and restaurants, and caged birds languish unsold in pet shops.