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啊,这不就是一座道观嘛?Oh, isn't this a Taoist temple?

后来,我们去道观溜达了一圈。Then we visited a Taoist temple.

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道教的仪礼空间与王朝的正统性。Taoist Ritual Space and Dynastic Legitimacy.

这座道院有三百年的历史。This Taoist temple has a history of 300 years.

这是道观,叫清音阁。It is a Taoist temple, called Qingyin Pavilion.

一个姓吕的道士,也住在这家店里。Taoist priest surnamed Lii was also staying there.

我依旧是一个道士,一个随波逐流的小道士。I still was a Taoist priest, a small drift priests.

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道教实际上是礼乐文明的继承者。Taoist ritual is actually a successor civilization.

内丹养生术在玄门弟子中是必修课。This is a required course for the Taoist disciples.

十方丛林中的常住道士如何分工?How does a Taoist monastery organize itself internally?

这些外地客人,特别喜欢听我们这里的道情。These foreign visitors especially like our Taoist ballads.

一山纳二教,既成为佛、道融合的象征,也成为铜山一道亮丽的风景。It is a symbol of Buddhist and Taoist Which are well mingled.

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现在QQ乐趣这么多,看来和尚道士是后继乏人的了。Availabe by QQ, it looks no one want to be monk or taoist now.

王道士只是这出悲剧中错步上前的小丑。Taoist Wang was but a clown who happened to come on the scene.

道士为什么穿古装,蓄头发?Why do Taoist monks keep long hair, and wear ancient costumes?

灵宝斋法是道教斋法的主流。The numinous treasure rites are the mainstream of Taoist rites.

这一做法,也很快地在各地道观及民间传开。This practice was followed rapidly in many local Taoist temples.

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这里原是十方丛林,是云游道士挂单的地方。Bush was originally 10 side here is the local skies Taoist deity.

今天我想参观长春观和归元寺。Today I want to visit Changchun Taoist Temple and Guiyuan Temple.

最后分析了西塞罗的等级平等观。Finally, it has analysed the Ciceronian equal grade Taoist temple.