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准备了足够垫舱料和铺垫草席吗?Are sufficient dunnage and mats available?

是的,准备了足够垫舱料和铺垫草席。Yes, sufficient dunnage and mats available.

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我们认为损失是由于不合格货垫引起的。We think the damage was due to poor dunnage.

每一层桶上铺一层木板。Spread a layer to dunnage planks on each tier drums.

你们最好用方木垫机器箱。You'd better use square wood to dunnage the machinery cases.

请把垫舱物料准备好,否则今晚我们不能开工。Please get the dunnage materials prepared, otherwise we can't work tonight.

等飞机完全停稳后,请你再解开安全,整理好手提物品准备下飞机。After the plane completely stops, please loose your safety belt, pack up your dunnage and prepare to leave the plane.

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所有货物仓库堆存,无覆盖。装货前部分用双层草耙隔垫。B. All cargo were stacked inside warehouse without covering and partly dunnage with double straw squares prior loading.

这个文件里面是否有明确列出违禁包装材料或是托运货物的竹制产品作为包装或日常用品。Have prohibited packaging materials or bamboo products been used as packaging or dunnage in the consignment covered by this document?

公司专门为到港的中、外船舶供应船舶生活用品、船用物料、垫舱物料、船舶配件、船舶油漆和免税商品。China, We are specialized in provide livingthings, marine stores, dunnage material, marine accessory, marine paint and duty-free commodities for both Chinese and foreign ships in port.