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新斯的明增强小肠和大肠的运动功能。Neostigmine augments the motor activity of the small and large bowel.

阶段II确定新斯的明硬膜外腔注射的镇痛浓度。Phrase II, to determine the concentration of neostigmine for pain relief.

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目的观察新斯的明用于术后尿潴留的效果及其副作用。Objective To observe the clinical effects of neostigmine on postoperative dysuria.

育亨宾或新斯的明却能增进由ST引起的水和电解质的分泌。Yohimbine or neostigmine augmented the net loss of water and electrolytes induced by ST.

目的比较新斯的明、毒扁豆碱和毛果芸香碱对兔眼的缩瞳作用。Objective To compare the myotic effects of physostigmine, pilocarpine and neostigmine in rabbits.

同时,新斯的明的降压效应又能被利血平化所显著增强。It was also found that the neostigmine depressor effect was markedly reenforced by reserpinization.

目的观察分析新斯的明拮抗维库溴铵肌松作用在不同年龄组的差异和可能的原因。Objective To study the difference of Neostigmine antagonizing Vecuronium at different ages and discuss its possible reason.

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目的使用新斯的明拮抗与不拮抗时对哌库溴铵恢复时间和拔管时间的。Objective It was studied the influence of the recovery time and extubation time of pipecuronium antagonized by neostigmine or not.

结论小儿重症肌无力的病史和新斯的明试验阳性是诊断本病的重要依据。Conclusion Medical history of infantile myasthenia gravis and positive of neostigmine test are important diagnostic bases of this disease.

目的观察新斯的明联合复方托吡卡胺滴眼液局部滴眼治疗进行性近视的效果。Objective To observe the effects of neostigmine associated with tropicamide topically dripped for the treatment of the progressing myopia.

结论新斯的明足三里穴封可促进肠胃蠕动,见效快,无副作用,易于操作。Conclusion Tsusanli acupuncture point block with neostigmine can promote the intestinal peristalsis and is effective to treat entero paralysis.

结论采用新斯的明联合复方托吡卡胺是治疗青少年进行性近视患者的一种可靠方法。Conclusion The application of neostigmine accompanied with tropicamide is a reliable therapy for treatment of the progressing myopia in adolescent.

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结果三种试验对重症肌无力性上睑下垂的改善及提高有效,对非重症肌无力性上睑下垂的有效改善和提高无作用。Results Ice test, neostigmine test, and rest test can all improve the ptosis of myasthenia gravis, no effects were found to ptosis of nonmyasthenia gravis.

常规剂量的滕喜隆或新斯的明等抗组胺药联合适量的抗胆碱药可以很好的拮抗。Antagonism can be easily accomplished by conventional dosages of edrophonium or neostigmine administered in conjunction with the appropriate anticholinergic agent.

论新斯的明、毒扁豆碱和毛果芸香碱滴眼给药,均能缩小兔眼瞳孔,其时效关系相似。Conclusion Physostigmine, neostigmine and pilocarpine, when applied locally to the eye in rabbits, could cause myosis and their time-effect relationships were comparable.

结论新斯的明治疗颈丛麻醉下甲状腺手术中心血管反应安全、有效,但要选择病例。Conclusion Neostigmine can safely and effectively treats cardiovascular response during cervical plexus block anesthesia of thyroid surgery, but the patients must be elected.

方法以正常、新斯的明负荷和肾上腺素负荷为研究模型,采用碳末推动法和离体肠实验方法。Methods The normal mice, neostigmine load mice and adrenaline load mice were regarded as studied model, the method of propelling carbon powder and isolated intestine test were used.

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结论在大鼠切口疼痛模型中,鞘内注射新斯的明的镇痛作用可能与脊髓兴奋性氨基酸含量下降有关。Conclusion The decline in the increased excitatory amino-acid contents in spinal cord induced by incisional pain is involved in the mechanisms of analgesia provided by IT neostigmine.

方法静脉注射新斯的明建立肠痉挛动物模型,然后静脉注射逍遥丸溶液,记录肠肌活动。Methods Enterospasm animal models were induced with Neostigmine intravenous injection. Then Xiaoyao pill liquid was injected intravenously. Activities of intestinal muscle were recorded.