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许多病人佩戴GSP臂章,便于工作人员监控他们的位置。Many patients also wear GSP armbands that help the staff monitor their locations.

为了节约进口关税,你们可以申请普惠制原产地证书。It is advisable for you to apply for a GSP Form A to save the cost of import duty.

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目的加强药品经营企业GSP认证后的监管。Objectives Strengthen supervision of drug enterprises after the GSP certification.

他领导的财政委员会对于延长GSP计划的法律有管辖权。His committee would have jurisdiction over any legislation to extend the GSP program.

再就是做一般产地证的和普惠制证书的,也要去做。Another thing is to do a general certificate of origin and GSP certificate, we must do.

通过了申请办理一般产地证和普惠制产地证的资格考试。I passed the qualification test to handle GSP Certificate of Origin and Certificate of Origin.

该条款要求正本和一份副本普惠制原产地证明书格式A,证明货物的原产地在中国。Certificate of origin GSP "Form A", original and one copy, evidencing China as origin of goods.

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美国的GSP计划建立于1976年,业已延长了8次,最近一次延期是在2002年。The U.S. GSP program was established in 1976 and has been renewed eight times, most recently in 2002.

由一些商业团体和发展组织结成的一个联盟一直要求延长GSP。A coalition of business groups and developmental organizations has been pressing for the extension of the GSP.

因为我们只想显示匹配的员工列表,所以我们可安全地使用已有的list.gsp模板。Because we just want to display a list of matching employees, we can safely use the existing list.gsp template.

欧盟优惠性原产地规则包括普惠制和优惠性贸易协定的相关安排,中国从欧盟享受的是普惠制待遇。The EU preferential origin rules comprise GSP and preferential trade agreements and China enjoys the former one.

中国是发展中国家之一,为28个发达国家给予的普惠制受益国之列。China is one of the developing countries and included in the list of GSP beneficiaries of 28 developed countries.

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美国海关有权确定商品是否符合普惠制原产地规则要求。The U. S. Customs Service is charged with determining whether an article meets the GSP rule-of-origin requirements.

兹证明我局官员签发的这两份普惠制格式证书均是真实、可信的。This in certify that these two copies of GSP Certificates Form A issued by the official of our bureau are true and reliable.

这就意味着,GSP原产国规则须由在相关受惠国将鞋面组装到鞋底的加工来满足。This means the GSP origin rule is met by the process of assembling the upper to the sole in the relevant beneficiary country.

如果我们编辑search.gsp,并使用以下域替换当前的输入域,我们将会获得所期望的东西。If we edit search.gsp and replace the current input fields with the following fields, it should give us what we're looking for.

加入综合区域经济集团成员国的区域性联盟,可得到普惠制的累积优惠额。A regional association contributing to the comprehensive regional economic integration of its members may be granted GSP cumulation benefits.

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并应就低度开发国家具特殊外销利益之产品,考虑进一步改进普遍化优惠关税制度及其他制度。Consideration shall be given to further improve GSP and other schemes for products of particular export interest to least-developed countries.

而美国政府已经受理了一个国际贸易联盟提出的要求重新对斯里兰卡劳工权利进行调查的申诉书,并以此作为其自有普惠制框架的一部分。America's government has accepted a petition from an international trade union to review worker rights in Sri Lanka as part of its own GSP scheme.

而美国政府已经受理了一个国际贸易联盟提出的要求重新对斯里兰卡劳工权利进行调查的申诉书,并以此作为其自有普惠制框架的一部分。America’s government has accepted a petition from an international trade union to review worker rights in Sri Lanka as part of its own GSP scheme.