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Kona咖啡豆在夏威夷生长。Kona types of coffee beans are grown in Hawaii.

科纳咖啡还有着很多不同于其它类型咖啡的特征。There are many things that set Kona Coffee apart from other coffees.

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牙买加的蓝山和科纳咖啡都有地理证明。Jamaican Blue Mountain and Kona coffees have geographic certifications.

夏威夷可纳咖啡和其他高山种植的阿拉比卡咖啡的混合物。A blend of Hawaiian fancy Kona and other high-mountain-grown Arabica coffees.

你知道不知道夏威夷上午阳光明媚、下午多云,还有黑色的火山灰土壤,这样柯纳咖啡豆长势最好?Did you know that Kona beans thrive in the dark volcanic soil, sunny mornings and cloudy afternoons of Hawaii?

在金牌咖啡种植园里,在可纳的肥沃的火山土里,我们精心培育着每一棵第三代咖啡树。In the rich volcanic soils of Kona at the Gold Coffee Plantation, we nurture each third generation coffee tree.

夏威夷的特色之一就是每年的科纳节,即摘咖啡比赛。每年的获胜者都成为全州的名人。Hawaii features an annual Kona Festival, coffee picking contest. Each year the winner becomes a state celebrity.

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自从蜜月回来时,带回了些夏威夷科纳咖啡豆,我们就一直想要一台咖啡麻磨具。Well, I’ve been wanting to get a coffee grinder since we brought back some Kona coffee beans from our honeymoon.

科纳申科夫说,导弹在规定时间准确击中位于堪察加半岛库拉试验场上的预定目标。Kona Cove said that the missile accurately hit the specified time Kura testing ground in Kamchatka Peninsula, the intended target.

同时,在夏威夷到处都是美丽的沙滩---从位于夏威夷大岛的可爱的科纳海岸到位于欧胡岛的威基基海滩。And Hawaii's beautiful beaches are everywhere—from the lovely Kona coast beaches on the large island of Hawaii to Waikiki Beach on Oahu.

科纳海滨很可能是夏威夷岛上风景最优美、海洋生物最繁多、交通最便利,也是最有意思的潜水景点。Kona Coast dive site is possibly the most beautiful, diverse, easily accessible, interesting dive location we have on the Island of Hawaii.

科纳海滨很可能是夏威夷岛上风景最优美、海洋最繁多、交通最便利,也是最有意思的潜水景点。This Kona Coast dive site is possibly the most beautiful, diverse, easily accessible, interesting dive location we have on the Island of Hawaii.

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科纳海滨很可能是夏威夷岛上风景最优美、海洋生物最繁多、交通最便利,也是最有意思的潜水景点。This Kona Coast dive site is possibly the most beautiful, diverse, easily accessible, interesting dive location we have on the Island of Hawaii.

在夏威夷凯卢阿的科纳海滨,椰林成行,它们细长躯干的分支处总是垂悬着几只硕大沉重的椰果。Coconut palms line the shore in Kailua, along Hawaii's Kona Coast. The palms' lanky trunks support the heavy fruits dangling from their branches.

科纳咖啡的特别之处还在于,每颗科纳咖啡豆都是经过人工精选采收的,以确保只有品质最好的咖啡豆才能被用于咖啡的生产。The difference could also lie in the care with which Kona coffee is handpicked, ensuring that only the highest quality berries are harvested for coffee production.

根据洲的报道,包括檀香山在内的建筑物被破坏,檀香山,夏威夷的首都机场和最大的城市,位于瓦胡岛科纳风暴以北大约150英里。Damage to buildings was reported across the state, including in Honolulu, the state's capital and largest city, which is about 150 miles north of Kona on the island of Oahu.

这一赛事包含3.86公里的游泳、180.2公里的自行车赛和42.2公里的马拉松,所有这些都在夏威夷的凯鲁亚柯娜进行,每年有数以千计的运动员来申请参加。Every year, thousands of athletes apply to enter the contest which involves a 3.86 km swim, a 180.2 km bike ride and a 42.2 km marathon, all taking place in Kailua Kona , Hawaii.