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那就到地区经纪公司看看。Go to a regional broker.

聪明的骗子不需要中介人。A crafty knave needs no broker.

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狡猾的无赖不需要有中间人。A crafty knave needs no broker.

狡猾的无赖不需求有中间人。A crafty knave commors no broker.

今天我和我的经纪人聊了聊。I was talking to my broker today.

找到经纪人并且在网上交易Find a broker and trade online now

你会怎么回答呢What do you say to the broker then?

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请注意broker是尾递归的。Notice that broker is tail recursive.

证劵经纪人---投资顾问。Stock broker -- investment counselor.

她是华尔街一名业绩斐然的经纪人。She's a hotshot broker on Wall Street.

我在做股票经济人的时候很不开心。I was not happy working as a stock broker.

她被一个奸诈的经纪人骗了。She was done in by an unscrupulous broker.

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泰恩·兰德尔是伦敦的一位石油期货经纪人。Taine Randell works in London as a broker.

美国节目经纪人巴纳姆,P.T。Phineas T. Barnum, American programme broker.

为什么帮你管理所有投资的人叫做“不名一文的人”?Why is the man who invests all your a broker?

一个多实例代理的受控切换Controlled switchover of a multi-instance broker

经纪人告诉我怎样投资。The broker advised me on how to invest my money.

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他们会给经纪人打电话,询问是怎么回事They call up their broker and say, what's wrong?

如果经纪人说“中国”,你是否听到收款机收钱的声音?If a broker says 'China,' do you hear 'ka-ching'?

最近,我的保险经纪人跳槽了。Recently, my insurance broker switched companies.