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在学期末对学生的理论能力和实践能力进行评价。Evaluate the theoretics and practice ability of students at the end of term.

这些结果为图的最小完整度的优化设计提供了理论和方法。For the optimal designs of the minimal integrity, the theoretics and methods are provided.

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数值仿真表明,理论分析是正确和有实际意义的。By the simulating, the result is in correspondence with the theoretics , and show its efficiency.

最后根据配网的特点我们提出,统计线损和理论线损的计算模型。Lastly, we put forward the computation model of the theoretics and statistics power Losses of line.

本文研究了宽带主动信号检测的理论和技术问题。The theoretics and technique of wideband active signal detection is researched in this dissertation.

文中还以几个常见的跟踪问题为例,通过实验验证了上述理论的正确性。Also this paper take some examples of common follow-problems to verify this theoretics by experiment.

赫茨伯格的这种空间理论对于我国当代的建筑研究具有重要的参考价值。This space theoretics of Hertzberger has importance reference to our contemporary architecture research.

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每一种理念的形成与发展都有其自身的历史原因,有一定的必然性与偶然性。Every theoretics come into being because of the specifical historical reason which has the necessity and chance.

建筑创作的繁荣有赖于理论的建树和建筑批评的指引。The flourish of architectural creation relies on the contribution of theoretics and the guidance of architectural criticism.

根据材料力学理论建立了活塞环环向应变与径向压力之间的关系式。The relation between hoop strain and radius-directional pressure was set up based on the theoretics of mechanics of materials.

本文在东大研究组成果的基础上,做进一步的理论与应用方面的探索研究。Walker. We purpose a further exploration in theoretics and application on a basis of research production in Southeast University.

越来越多的语言学家关注语义问题,并将语义学理论运用到其他语言学学科,例如构词学的研究中。More and more linguisticians are focus on semanticity and use semantic theoretics into other lingual subject such as word-building.

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对于多相序列的研究,虽然当前主要在理论研究阶段,但最终也要从工程上来实现。The research of polyphase sequences will be put into practice finally although the research at present is mainly focus on theoretics.

研究整理了森林公园度假旅游产品开发的理论基础和相关研究成果。Study the theoretics foundations of the development of vacation tourism product of forest parks and summarize interrelated researches.

氧压酸浸经历几十年的发展和完善,在理论研究和工程化过程中,取得了一些成果。With the development and perfection of acid pressure oxidative leaching, it has much success in theoretics study and engineering course.

实验表明,该方法理论与实际相符,数据传输可靠,语音质量良好。Experiments proves that the theoretics tallies with reality, the data transmission is reliable and the voice transmission quality is better.

论述了区域化变量、变异函数及其理论模型、变异曲线、结构分析等地质统计学的一些基本概念。Discussed the basic geostatistics concept of regionalized variable, variogram and its theoretics model, variogram curve, configuration analysis etc.

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对诗话的研究,有利于探讨茶陵派的理论基石,特别是茶陵派“格调”说的形成对整个明代诗话理论产生深远的影响。It studies this theoretics can help us to elaborate on their system info, especially the Gediao theory has far-reaching influences on the later theory.

在此基础上,为餐饮业设计出供应链管理体系,并对体系的核心环节进行研究,包括供应商管理、配送管理、餐饮店管理系统三个方面。These investigation can supply some gist on theoretics for designing supply chain system of food industry or developing supply chain system management.

所得研究成果具有较高的理论价值和经济效果,对攀钢矿业公司的生产具有现实的指导意义。The studying achievement has high values of theoretics and economic effictiveness, and could give a reality guide for PanZhiHua Iron & Steel Group Mining Co.