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动物细胞?Animal cell?

对于镰状细胞性贫血。Sickle cell anemia.

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细胞都有细胞膜It has a cell membrane.

手机喇叭网。Net cell phone speakers.

这种细胞是受精卵。This cell is the zygote.

叫做毛细胞。It is called the Hair cell.

内部公开赛细胞取代。Internal Open Cell -Replace.

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他们把那个人关入小室中。They shut the man in a cell.

我必须买一节新的干电池了。I have to buy a new dry cell.

一个狱警敲击了一下他们牢房的门。A C.O. bangs on the cell door.

你在我的号子里做什么?。What are you doing in my cell?

一个手机,84万。A cell phone for 840, 000 yuan.

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硫会对燃料电池产生抑制作用。Sulphur may poison a fuel cell.

每个单元使用一个数据库。There is one database per cell.

每一次调用只调整一个单元。Each call just adjusts one cell.

欣赏一种艺术需要智慧的细胞。Enjoy the art needs a wise cell.

检查所有手机和寻呼机的使用情况。Review cell phone and pager use.

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靠右对齐单元格内容。Right justify the cell contents.

什么是造血干细胞?。What is Hematopoietic stem cell?

通过细胞培养分离病毒。virus isolation by cell culture.