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因为这是伦敦一个相当出名的造船所。because it was quite a famous dockyard within London.

结合造船厂管理学可以建造更大的舰船。Combined with Dockyard Management it allows you to build bigger ships.

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迄今为止,学术界对福州船政局已经做了大量的研究。So far the academy has done a lot of research work for the Foochow Dockyard.

从过去的遗迹丰富,查塔姆船坞希望它也有一个光明的未来。Rich with relics from the past, the Chatham Dockyard hopes it also has a bright future.

这一批雷达2009年2月经过仰光南部迪拉瓦船厂向军事基地运送并装置。The radar sets were transferred to the Army in Rangoon's Thilawa dockyard in February 2009.

造船厂的发言人说,他们希望两年内让第一条潜艇下水。A spokesman for the dockyard said they hoped to launch the first submarine within two years.

造船所可以建造更为大型的船舶,码头扩建后亦可更好管理贸易吞吐。Dockyard allows the construction of larger ships, and the improved wharves make trade easier to manage.

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该船坞于1984年关闭,把成千上万失去工作。但作为一个旅游和教育网站有被复苏。The Dockyard closed in 1984, putting thousands out of work. But as a tourist and educational site there's been a revival.

坐在美国总统奥巴马在坚决台,在1880年送给美国的船坞从旧木料作。U. S. President Barack Obama sits at the Resolute Desk, a gift to America in 1880, made from old timbers in the Dockyard.

适用于机库、船厂或大型机器的喷砂,喷漆及维修车间、展馆区域隔离。For the isolation of blasting painting and maintenance workshop of large machine shop hangar dockyard exhibition hall ect.

青岛国际帆船中心是在遗址上建一个船坞前在福山湾,并于2006年完成。The Qingdao International Sailing Center was built on the site of a former dockyard in FuShan Bay, and was completed in 2006.

根据船厂的使用要求及升船机港池的结构特点,升船机港池采用放坡开放式的港池方案。According to the operation of the dockyard and the structure of ship lift harbor, open scheme of ship lift harbor was applied.

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英国东南部的自治城市,位于伦敦东部。588年伊丽莎白一世在这里修建了第一家造船厂。人口42,800。A municipal borough of southeast England east of London. Elizabeth I established the first dockyard here in 588. Population, 42,800.

查莎姆英国东南部的自治城市,位于伦敦东部。1588年伊丽莎白一世在这里修建了第一家造船厂。人口142。A municipal borough of southeast England east of London. Elizabeth I established the first dockyard here in1588. Population, 142, 800.

位于漆咸英格兰东南部船坞,船舶的建造和修理和商人制作的一切海军或商船需要。At Chatham Dockyard in Southeastern England, ships were built and repaired and tradesmen crafted everything a naval or merchant vessel needed.

他返回到他们藏身的大本营-制船厂,将影像播放给了赛尔夫看,在看过视频后,赛尔夫释放了团伙成员。He goes to the dockyard where the agents are holding the crew and plays the video for Self. After seeing proof of all six cardholders, Self releases the crew.

无敌号航母曾是大英帝国皇家海军的旗舰,现在无助地停在朴次茅斯军港,发动机被拆除,螺旋桨躺在甲板上。The carrier, once flagship of the British fleet, is currently languishing in Portsmouth’s dockyard with her engines stripped out and propellers lying on deck.

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正在进行中的工程有喜灵洲避风塘。同时,又开始了昂船洲政府。It continued with the construction of the Hei Ling Chau typhoon shelter and began building jetties and dolphins at the Government dockyard on Stonecutters Island.

拉娜在怀特一家有了一年半的时间,“我们家的信封口离地六英尺,拉娜总是喜欢待在那儿。”The family have had Lana for 18 months. ‘Our letterbox is about six inches off the ground and she likes to sit behind it, ’ said Mr White, a cleaner at the city’s dockyard.

警方还称Mazegaon造船厂路的的士爆炸至少造成了3人丧生,同时孟买南部的卡马医院也传来枪声。Police also said that at least three people were killed in a bomb explosion in a taxi on Mazegaon dockyard road, while firing was reported at the Cama hospital in south Mumbai.