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书在装订中。The books were binding.

所以,“E“是结合能。So, e is binding energy.

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转向柱轴接合器过紧。Column shaft coupler binding.

认为签订了合同就万事大吉Thinking a contract is binding

将组件绑定到控制程序上Binding a component to the controller

应该选择哪种数据绑定?Which Data Binding Should You Choose?

在这个例子中绑定器没有任何键值。In our example the binding has no key.

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其结果是没有约束力,在行李处理系统印章。The result is no binding in the BHS seal.

具有拘束力的合同就此便告缔结。A binding contract is thereupon concluded.

用波折绑缚着我的欢娱和欲望。And binding with briars my joys & desires.

用装订机装订好书脊。Crimp spine on pages for permanent binding.

用石南捆绑我的欢乐和意愿。And binding with briars my joys and desires.

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骨折了,绑着石膏怎么上学啊?Fracture, how binding gesso to go to school?

妇女裹脚的习俗早已不存在了。The custom of binding women's feet died out.

合身的领子和武器的自我约束力。Form-fitting self binding at collar and arms.

对我来说它最大的好处是延迟绑定。The biggest benefit to me is delayed binding.

“这本书是精装本吗?”乔问道。"Is the book in artistic binding?" asked Joe.

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她不断地捆着麦子,单调得就像时钟一样。Her binding proceeds with clock-like monotony.

这一绑定是在行创建时执行的。This binding is executed at row creation time.

我将x,y和iters,left绑定到一些值上。I'm binding x, y, and iters left to some values.