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丽兹玻顿拿起斧头。Lizzie Borden took an axe.

看到这些白筹码吗,莉丝?。See all those white chips , Lizzie?

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天阿,丽西,你真是个自负傲慢的人!By heavens, Lizzie , what a snob you are!

同时感谢丽紫·麦德录制磁带!Thanks also to Lizzie Madder for the tape!

他开始去鱼骨,莉齐则在旁边观看。He'd begun to fillet. Lizzie was studying the process.

丽兹玻顿拿起斧头,砍了爸爸四十下。Lizzie Borden took an axe, Hit her father forty whacks.

我真不知道如果你不在,这你该乱成什么样子。I don't know what I would have done without Lizzie here.

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我们今天聚在这里向蜥蜴利齐告别。We are gathered here today to bid adieu to Lizzie the lizard.

莉琪的异想世界电影版,原本叫「罗马假期」。The Lizzie McGuire Movie" was originally going to be called "In Rome.

没有比迈克尔和莉齐更受人瞩目的夫妇了。You won't find a couple more in the public gaze than Michael and Lizzie.

在“亲爱的里兹”一集中,戈多对里兹也渐渐有了好感。In the episode "Dear Lizzie", it is revealed that Gordo has a crush on Lizzie.

一个栽种了凤仙花的大赤陶罐里开出了明艳如火的花朵。A large terracotta pot planted with Busy Lizzie provides a fiery bright red display.

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当她笑时,Paige突然注意到她上门牙全是洞。When Lizzie smiled, Paige suddenly noticed her upper front teeth were pitted with holes.

她对里兹十分关心,但她自己仍觉得不够,还想学到更多照顾青少年的方法。She cared deeply about Lizzie but was still trying to figure out how to raise a teenager.

他在夜校门口突然跟丽齐·康诺利告了别,便匆匆走掉了。He said good-by to Lizzie Connolly, abruptly, at the entrance to night school, and hurried away.

英国布莱顿大学21岁的大学生莉齐发起了这项疯狂活动,她目前攻读国际项目管理专业。It was dreamed up by Lizzie Durley, 21, who is studying international event management at Brighton University.

莉齐博登的真实的故事,一个年轻的女人无罪在1892谋杀了她的父亲和继母。The true story of Lizzie Borden, a young woman tried and acquitted in the 1892 murders of her father and stepmother.

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“未命名的斯坦简森项目”一集中讲道里兹曾在四年级时迷上了他。In the episode "The Untitled Stan Jenson Project," it was revealed that Lizzie had a crush on him in the fourth grade.

但是,他总是尽他所能地理解并帮助里兹摆脱困境,当孩子遇到麻烦,他总是能伸出一双援手。However, he always tried his best to help Lizzie out and understand her and was always available to lend a helping hand.

出航前他站在马里泊萨号的甲板上看见丽齐·康诺利躲在码头上人群的边沿。From the deck of the Mariposa, at the sailing hour, he saw Lizzie Connolly hiding in the skirts of the crowd on the wharf.