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出让方和受让方约定的其他事项。Other matters stipulated by the transferor and the transferee.

赠与是指转让人将土地使用权无偿转移给受让人的行为。Donation means that the transferor transfers land use right gratis to the transferee.

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在转让方雇主处于破产程序下时,那些东西不能转让?。What does not transfer where the transferor employer is subject to insolvency proceedings?

转让人不履行告知义务的,应当承担相应的民事责任。Where the transferor fails to give notice, he shall take the corresponding responsibilities.

第五条新药技术转让的转让方与受让方应当签订转让合同。Article 5 A new drug technology transfer contract shall be signed between the transferor and transferee.

第十条药品生产技术转让的转让方与受让方应当签订转让合同。Article 10 A drug production technology transfer contract shall be signed between the transferor and transferee.

水权转一让合同的内容包括水权转让人和受让人的权利和义务以及第三人的权利。The content of the contract of water rights transfer include the right and duty of water right transferor and transferee.

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在离岸股权转让项下,股权出让方应就其转让所得在中国缴纳企业所得税。Under an offshore share transfer, the transferor shall pay enterprise income tax in China on its income from the transfer.

第十五条药品技术转让时,转让方应当将转让品种所有规格一次性转让给同一个受让方。Article 15 The transferor shall transfer all the strengths of the transferred drug to a same transferee in one transaction.

因此,该转让违背了原告及转让人其他债权人的利益,属于非法,应当作废。The transfer is therefore void as against the plaintiff and other creditors 01 the transferor and it should be invalidated.

使用人已向无效合同的让与人支付的使用费应当由让与人负责返还。The royalties which have been paid by the user to the transferor under the invalid contract shall be refunded by the transferor.

第一百六十条公司债券可以转让,转让价格由转让人与受让人约定。Article 160 Corporate bonds may be transferred, and the price for the transfer shall be agreed upon by the transferor and transferee.

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房地产转让人是指拥有房屋所有权、土地使用权的自然人、法人和其他组织。The transferor of real estate refers to the natural person, legal person or other organization as the owner of house or the user of land.

如果转出方是个人在香港居住,需要香港身份证或个人护照的复印件。If the Transferor is an individual residing in Hong Kong, a copy of the Hong Kong ID card of the individual or the passport of the individual.

本产品的转让人的用户,在此转让前,必须将本产品从安装的所有电脑中完全删除。User, as the transferor of the product, must fully delete the product from all computers in which the product is installed, before the transfer.

第二十二条经审评需要进行临床试验的,其对照药品应当为转让方药品生产企业原有生产的、已上市销售的产品。Article 22 In case clinical trials are necessary deemed by CDE, the reference drug shall be the marketed products manufactured by the transferor.

其实百安居这个公司是比较不错的,转让方此次退出,可能也与百安居内部业务调整有一定的关系。In fact, the company B &Q is relatively good, the transferor 's withdrawal may also be adjusted with the B &Q have some internal business relationship.

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转让方所持预售契约正本移交给转受让人,待房屋正式交用后,凭此件办理过户手续。Transferor 's transfer to the original pre-sale contract to the assignee, to be formally submitted to the Housing, instead of handling transfer procedures.

它突破了壁纸传统意义上的纯装饰性,加入了实用性,让家看起来更温暖,更环保。It broke through in the wallpaper tradition significance pure cosmetic, joined the usability, the transferor has looked like is warmer, environmental protection.

其中两份贴有印花税的正本由转让方、转受让方各执一份,副本由开发企业、交易管理部门各执一份。These two originals affixed with the stamp duty by the transferor and transferee to be kept in a copy of the development enterprise, a transaction management fast.