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正量霍耳效应。Plus the quantum Hall effect.

量子化学仍处于发展初期。Quantum chemistry is in its infancy.

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这就是第二个量子数。So, that's the second quantum number.

但它在量子力学中就发生了。But it does happen in quantum mechanics.

瑕疵的钻石能储存量子数据Flawed Diamonds Could Store Quantum Data

这就是,3个量子数。So, those are our three quantum numbers.

现在我们终于要谈到量子抹除器了。Now we finally get to the quantum eraser.

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因为第四量子数是。s Because the fourth quantum number is s.

等于对n1求和。Is equal to the sum over quantum number n1.

希尔伯特第十问题是量子可解的!Hilbert's tenth problem is quantum solvable!

高等量子力学,喀兴林著。R. Shankar, Principles of Quantum Mechanics.

这些都是量子振动,”克莱兰德说道。These are quantum vibrations,” said Cleland.

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为什么我们无法感觉到那些量子理论的古怪呢?Why don’t we feel all the quantum weirdness?

只需说明n的具体值,并用Z去除就行了。Specify the quantum number n and divide by Z.

还有什么比量子力学更神奇?What could be weirder than quantum mechanics?

现在,回忆一下波尔量子理论。Now, you recall in Bohr the quantum condition.

宇衬,周期性位势,量子点的示范。Parity, Periodic Potentials, Quantum Dot Demo.

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介绍了量子连续变量编码。We describe quantum continuous variable codes.

它显示了一个物质粒子的量子波。It shows quantum waves of a particle of matter.

在二氧六环中它们的量子产率为0.4左右。Their quantum yields were about 0.4 in dioxane.