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可是阿诺德如此热情的总结很快就被人们忘在了脑后。Arnold’s summation was soon forgotten.

在戏剧性的沉默之后,这位律师作完了她的总述。After a dramatic pause, the lawyer finished her summation.

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韦伯斯特的这次总结陈词后来被视为雄辩史上的经典之作。Webster’s summation was later deemed a masterpiece of oratory.

选用克希霍夫积分求和法实现三维叠前深度偏移。Achieve the 3-D prestack depth migration after Kirchhoff summation.

这个程序使用了集合和一个参数数据段。The program used summation over sets and a parameters data section.

他以实际行动中的总和来解释他的决定。He closes with a practical summation of why he's made the decisions he has

在这个插入排序算法的分析,总和意味着什么?。In the analysis of this insertion sort algorithm, what does the summation mean?

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如果有,请允许我跟你简单地总结一下我的经验和期许。If so, allow me to layout a concise summation of my experiences and expectations.

静电能的加和必须根据离子的具体位置来计算。The electrostatic summation must be evaluated for an explicIt'set of ion position.

最后,每个BP神经网络的输出通过加权求和的组合方式得到最终识别结果。Finally, we used weighted summation of out-up of every BP NN to get the final result.

第一,它是自古希腊以来,美学与艺术理论第一次具有思辨性质的总结。Firstly, it is the first dialectical summation of aesthetics and art theory form ancient Greek.

最后,我们将提供一篇总结性的文章,文中将提出我们对这一组最佳实践的建议。We will conclude with a summation article consisting of our proposal for a set of best practices.

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他拿出了一本保守派评论员写的反希拉里的书的要点总结。He offered a bullet-point summation of an anti-Clinton book written by a conservative commentator.

约翰尼柯兰代表辩方的总结给早已充满争议的审判又增加了争议。Johnnie Cochran's summation for the defense added controversy to an already very controversial trial.

市场需求有时也被称为“水平需求”,因为它是每一价格水平下需求量的加总。This is sometimes called a “horizontal sum”because the summation is over the quantities for each price.

本文提出一种互感器电压串联加法的新线路。A newly-developed circuit for voltage series summation method of transformers is described in this paper.

为繁体字和简体字之间的诸多不同之处作一综述。A summation of the kinds of differences found between traditional characters and their simplified versions.

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推广了连续凸函数的一个定理,推广后尤其对某些连加不等式的证明,特别方便.。A theorem for continuous convex function is generalized. This is convenient for some summation inequalities.

文章建立了两个数列命题,并运用于证明若干和式不等式。In this paper, we set up two propositions and utilize them to prove some inequalities with summation formula.

以离散频率之弦波合成时域脉波之波形。Synthesize of time domain wave form by summation of harmonics or sinusoidal wave form of discrete frequencies.