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他已为获得居留证作了申请。He have applied for a reside nce permit.

饭后一枝雪茄是我唯一的嗜好。A cigar after dinner is my only indulge nce.

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他的渊博的学识和工作能力得到了承认。His thorough knowledge and compete nce were recognized.

用负阻值估算开关时间。Estimation of RTD switching time by negative resista nce value.

我很感激两年前给我出国学习的机会。I appreciate having been given the cha nce to study abroad two years ago.

这是永生的贿赂,血液的美酒,酵素的沸腾。It is the bribe for living the champagne of the blood the effervesce nce of the ferment.

经过1810—1824年的独立战争,墨西哥摆脱了西班牙的殖民统治。Mexico was freed from the Spanish colonial rule after its war of Independe nce in 1810-1824.

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古老英国和法国的德鲁伊教区域的牧师认为榭寄生有神奇的魔力。Presist of Jew religions of ancient Britain and Fr a nce believed mistletoes have magical powers.

在沪江,没人再能说对新概念英语一无所知,因为这里有许多学习小组和活动。No one can plead ignorance of NCE in HJ any longer, for there are numerous study teams and activities.

在沪江,没人再能说对新概念英语一无所知,因为这里有许多学习小组和活动。No one can plead ignorance of NCE in HJ any longer, for there are a multitude of study circles and activities.

目的总结气管内肿瘤切除与气道重建术的麻醉经验。Objective To summarize our exper ie nce in anaesthetic management during the resection of intratracheal tumor.

很久很久以前,比亚瑟王的时代更早的时候,有位身高三英尺的小铁匠。O nce upon a time long ago, even before the days of King Arthur, there lived a blacksmith only three feet tall.

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结论姜黄素可能通过线粒体途径与死亡受体途径诱导鼻咽癌NCE细胞凋亡。Conclusions Curcumin induced apoptosis of NCE cells both through mitochondria-dependent pathway and death receptor pathway.

本篇主要介绍了我们研制开发的水动比例注肥泵的结构、工作原理,并测定了其工作性能。In this paper, I 1 irt reduce our research on the structure, m chanios, and perforna nce 4 water-driven proportioning injector.

砂岩、泥岩和灰岩石碴料是四川省分布广,使用最多的几种坝料。Sandstone, mudstone and limestone rock-debris have a very wide distribution and are very frequently used as dam materials in Sichuan Provi- nce.

第七条华侨回国定居的,在办理户口登记手续时,申请领取居民身份证。Article 7. An overseas Chinese who returns to China for permanent reside nce shall, when going through the formalities of reside nce registration.

这使得北宋前期以来发展的气本论,作为儒家思想的体系,终于在船山哲学中获得了其完整的意义。The theory of qi-substa nce that developed from the early Northern Song Dynasty finally emerged as a complete system in Confucianism through Chuanshan's philosophy.

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在二战以后频繁的族际冲突中,一族男性集体地对另一族女性进行性侵犯的现象是普遍存在的。Sexual assaults have been quite prevalent in the inter-ethnic conflicts si nce the Second World War. There are some complicated cultural contexts and symbolic meanings.

一旦英国政府提供出口许可给美国军方应用,我们所接触的主要的美国宇航企业将会停止与我们对话。nce the U.K. government had provided an export license for a U.S. military application, the major U.S. aerospace company we had been dealing with stopped talking to us.

与多项血清肿瘤标志物检测联合应用,能够进一步改善诊断的敏感性和特异性,提高早期诊断和鉴别诊断水平。Combined with multiple serum tumor marker measurements, this method can improve diagnostic sensitivity and specificity, he nce it facilitates the early diagnosis and differential diagnosis.