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热加工。Hot working.

冷加工。Cold working.

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我正在努力。我正在学习。我正在处理。我正在改进。I’m working on-it.

你是个穷忙族吗?Are you a working poor?

我现在在一间公关公司工作。I am working in a P. R.

我们目下现古停止干活吧。Let's stop working now.

我们真的很爱劳动。We really love working.

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当时我从事的是金融业,I was working in finance

这电梯开不动了。The lift is not working.

我是一个教书先生。I'm working as a teacher.

看得出来你在尽力了。You're working very hard.

避免在周末干活。Avoid working at weekends.

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我听说你没有去工作。I hear you’re not working.

沙莉在酒吧里工作。Sally is working in a bar.

没干活之前,别先提要求。Don't speak before working.

复印机在用吗?Is the photocopier working?

他们在黎明时开始工作。They began working at dawn.

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你工作起来像疯了一样。You are working like crazy.

和你合作我也很愉快。I like working with you too.

所以,你是为了什么人工作的呢?So what are you working for?