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小的那只装上两片沙袋。That fitted with a small sandbag 2.

在指定的线路上搬运沙袋。Carry the sandbag on the designated route.

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正当我试着恢复过来的时候,我又跌倒在一个沙袋上。As I was trying to recover from that, I tripped over a sandbag.

试试沙袋吧,沙袋对于改善体力增加耐力的帮助更大。Try sandbag training to build even more strength and endurance.

它是传统沙袋更新换代产品、不需吊挂具有缓冲性。It is a traditional sandbag replacement product, without hanging, with a buffer.

我们说想让产品上市,却把发货日程一推再推。We say we want a product to cometo market, but we sandbag the shipping schedule.

上周,我的一个好朋友在码头上,被沙袋击倒,正头疼呢。One o' my pals got a headache last week down on the pier from bein' beaned with a sandbag.

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救援人员正忙着在密苏里东部地区的一个社区周围建立一个四英尺高的沙袋筑成的防洪大堤。Crews are rushing to build a four-foot-tall sandbag levee around an eastern Missouri community.

不要让国家的候选人沙包,你到竞选活动中的一国,你知道你已上锁。Don't let state candidates sandbag you into campaigning in a state that you know you have locked up.

但请容许我暂停片刻,在试图抵挡这股潮流的堤坝上再添一个沙袋。But allow me to pause for a moment and throw another sandbag on the levee of those trying to resist this tide.

游完泳之后,我们就到我学习的地方去玩我几天前买回来的沙袋去了。When we finished swimming, we went to my learning place to play the sandbag which was bought by me several days ago.

该动作系列既可徒手进行,也可在踝部绑负沙袋进行练习。This action series already but bare-handed undertake, also can bind negative sandbag to have a practice in malleolar ministry.

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但是曼谷副市长说,这些囚犯宁愿堆积沙袋,也不愿意冒着健康危险,在泥泞的洪水溢流里工作。But the deputy governor says the convicts would rather build sandbag dikes instead of risking their health in the murky flood runoff.

目的观察对心脏介入治疗患者术后股动、静脉穿刺口采用“工”型沙袋压迫止血的效果。Objective To observe the effect of using H-shaped sandbag to press femoral and femoral vein to stop blood after heart intervention therapy.

现实世界有著类似的报酬机制,这也是为什麽业务人员总是不愿先行预估,让公司很难提前拟定计画。Similar compensation schemes in the real world explain why salespeople tend to sandbag their forecasts, making it hard for their companies to plan ahead.

结论“工”型沙袋套应用于心脏介入术后患者可以提高患者舒适度,减少并发症,减轻护理工作量。Conclusion H-shaped sandbag can replace rectangle sandbag completely, and can raise patients' comfort degree, reduce complications and alleviate nursing work.

人们朝着入口沿着人行道快速通过,像是在战区有守在沙袋后的卫兵盯着他们一样。Commuters hurried along the sidewalk toward the entrance, passing a war-zone-like vision of a guard hunkered behind a sandbag bunker, his gun pointing outward.

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听听中国的声音,中国即使像是沙袋一样被人欺负也不会吭一声。但是中国在不断的付出努力,其领导人比布什、奥巴马和罗姆尼的联合体还要聪明。Listen to China. It seldom says anything when bashed and punched like sandbag. But China is working hard with its leaders smarter than Bush and Obama and Romney combined.

结论介入术后患者采用自制鱼形沙袋压迫止血,止血效果显著,且能有效控制局部并发症的发生。Conclusion Use of the pisciform sandbag for compression hemostasia after interventional operations achieve better hemostatic effect and effectively control local complications.

情绪宣泄室位于一层的角落,室内的墙壁四周都包上了厚厚的海绵垫,房间中央挂着一个沙袋,窗台上还放着三四副拳击手套。Mood drain room is located in corner, indoor wall all around wrap went up large foam-rubber cushion, there is a sandbag in the center of the room, there still are 34 pairs of mitts on windowsill.