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我们可以用石膏来替代它,把上臂固定于屈曲位。We can replace this by plaster with the arm in flexion.

木材。组装。多榫接头连接。弯曲试验。Wood . assembly . multiple finger joints . flexion test.

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病人下蹲位足跟着地,腰部前屈。The 3 patient squat position foot followed, lumbar flexion.

小跑时如同悬浮着,从侧面观察,关节弯曲。A suspended trot with joint flexion when viewed from the side.

感受你的髋关节的转动,腰部的弯曲。Feel the rotation in your hips, the flexion in your lower back.

第二屈指深肌以边至边缝合到第三屈指探肌来使食指弯曲。FDPII was attached to FDPIII by side to side suture for index flexion.

如果存在固定弯曲变形,这条腿会被迫离开沙发。If there is a fixed flexion deformity, this leg will be forced off the couch.

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托马斯试验评价对侧臀部的固定弯曲变形。Thomas' Test assesses for a fixed flexion deformity at the contralateral hip.

右腿膝盖弯曲,左膝进行膝盖拉伸。The right leg performs knee flexion while theleft knee undergoes knee extension.

颈椎屈曲位MRI是本病早期诊断的重要依据。Flexion position MRI is an important base of early diagnosis of Hirayama disease.

右腿上踢,右臀拉伸,左腿膝盖弯曲。Right leg beginsupkick with hip extension as the left leg undergoes knee flexion.

目的检测参与踝关节背屈和跖屈运动的脑区。ObjectiveTo measure cortical areas involved ankle dorsiflexion and planter flexion.

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目的检测参与踝关节背屈和跖屈运动的脑区。ObjectiveTo measure cortical areas involved ankle dorsiflexion and planter flexion.

右膝通过膝盖拉伸向下踢水,左膝开始弯曲膝盖。The right knee kicks down through knee extension. The left knee begins knee flexion.

部分体重负荷有利于在动作开始时,降低肢体的迴旋及臀部的弯曲。BWS favored a hip flexion strategy in early swing while decreasing limb circumduction.

矢状面上的运动包含躯体在前后运动中的伸屈。Sagittal movements involve flexion and extension of the trunk in forward and backward movement.

首先把原来缝合之处折开,然后以尺屈腕肌转移至桡屈腕肌上来重建腕部屈曲。The original anastomosis was divided first. FCU was transferred to FCR to restor wrist flexion.

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采用非接触式磁阻传感器,间接测量手指的弯曲角度。The flexion angles of lingers are indirectly measured by the non-contact magnetoresistance sensors.

主要模仿蛇之盘旋曲伸、曲折吞吐、伸缩往来的巧妙。These actions mainly imitate the circling, flexion and extension, swallowing and stretching of the snakes.

实验用兔44只,每兔术后均将一侧膝关节固定于自然屈曲位6周。One knee joint of each of 44 rabbits was immobilized with the splint in natural flexion position for 6 weeks.